Consistent with best practices associated with 403(b) fiduciary regulations, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Sherry Mondou formed and is advised by a Retirement Plan Advisory Committee (RPAC) to help ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, evaluate best practices in the administration of Puget Sound’s retirement plan, and make recommendations that are in the best interests of plan participants.  The committee is chaired by the Associate Vice President for Human Resources and supported by an external fiduciary consultant. Committee composition is diverse to include faculty and staff with specific knowledge of sound investment principles, with a lay participant’s perspective, and/or with administrative responsibilities for the University of Puget Sound Retirement Savings Plan. Membership is as follows:

Name Position Ext. Email
Jeffrey Matthews Professor, School of Business & Leadership x3155
Ania Kapalczynski Assistant Professor, School of Business & Leadership x3349
Janet Hallman   Associate Vice President for Financial Planning and Analysis x8620
Bryan Gould   Director of Financial Aid x3355


Have suggestions for the RPAC?

If you have suggestions you'd like to share with the Retirement Plan Advisory Committee, please review the Retirement Plan Advisory Committee Input Process (PDF).  We look forward to hearing from you.