
The university requires faculty and staff to complete harassment and sexual violence prevention and data security and privacy tutorials within one month of employment and every 2 years thereafter. Puget Sound has chosen Everfi [https://www.lawroom.com], a leading provider of workplace compliance training, to deliver these tutorials.

Harassment and Discrimination Prevention

This course engages employees and raises their awareness about harassment and discrimination by explaining the law and providing insight on how to respond to and report misconduct appropriately. It provides practical tips to maintain a safe, inclusive work environment, including safe and positive bystander intervention options, using inclusive language, and avoiding micro-aggressions. Interactive exercises engage learners with realistic situations, scenarios, tasks, and model strategies for promoting harassment and discrimination-free workplace. This course also engages faculty and staff members on how to identify and report sexual and interpersonal misconduct; and covers awareness and prevention topics required by the Clery Act and Title IX (including state law definitions of consent, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, and victim protections). For non-supervisors, the course takes approximately 60 minutes. For supervisors, the course takes approximately 120 minutes.

More information about reporting and response for gender-based violence and sexual misconduct issues about students, faculty, and staff is online in the Title IX section of the Diversity and Inclusion at Puget Sound website.

Data Security and Privacy

This course provides information about ensuring data security and considers the biases and tendencies that make employees vulnerable and addresses the human element in data security. This course takes approximately 90 minutes. More information on the university policy on data security and privacy can be found at the Puget Sound Information Use and Security website.

Accessing the Tutorials

Access to these tutorials will be available through the myPugetSound portal under HR-Self Service, Compliance Training.

For questions regarding these requirements, please contact the Title IX Coordinator and Equal Opportunity Officer [titleix-eoo@pugetsound.edu]. For questions about access to the tutorial site, please contact Human Resources [hr@pugetsound.edu].

Thank you for your assistance in keeping Puget Sound safe and ensuring a healthy and inclusive workplace.