Additional Resources

Beyond programs and workshops offered by HR and other campus partners, and in addition to professional development provided to you through your department, you may be interested in extending learning on your own. Below are some resources we have identified that could be helpful to you.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by Canopy

Puget Sound offers employees the opportunity to connect, for free and confidentially, with programs, service, resources, counselors, and advisors through Canopy, our employee assistance program provider. This program offers financial coaching, resource for parents (of both children and pets), legal consultation, coaching, and more. With pre-recorded webinars, live trainings, and self-service tools, Canopy is a great resource for both work and home.

Click here for more information about our EAP

Resources by Pillar

The resources in this section have been categorized by which pillar of the learning & development framework they relate to.

Growth and development are important components of a professional journey at Puget sound. In some cases, staff members participate in generalized professional development offered by the Learning & Development team. In other cases, individual staff members may engage in role or person-specific training to advance their career and professional development. Below is a list of additional resources you may consider reviewing for your own development.


Managing Up: What is It and Why Do It?

This article provides information on developing a strong relationship with your supervisor and why it matters. From UCMerced


Enhancing Intergenerational Communication

With at least four generations in the workforce today, it may be helpful to consider how generational difference influence work and communication. From Berkley ExecEd


The Edge of Work Podcast

Hosted by Al Dea, this podcast is designed to help leaders support their teams through change and to build human-centered teams.


Work Life Podcast

In this podcast, Adam Grant interviews a wide range of people to explore ways to achieve a better work life.


How to Be Awesome at You Job Podcast

Pete Mockaitis leverages curiosity in this podcast designed to help people flourish at work.


Effective Communication Through Mindfulness

4 quick tips on how to focus on being present and civil when you find yourself getting irritated. From AllOne Health


Ten Ways to Have a Better Conversation

TED Talk from public radio reporter and host, Celeste Headlee. Headlee provides 10 tips on how to improve conversations.


Off-site (or online) Seminars and Trainings

Note: There may be fees associated with some of these opportunities.


Coursea Free

This resource offers courses to support both professional development and personal enrichment. Covering topics from Generative AI to Stanford’s Introduction to Food and Health, along with the Science of Well-Being, Introduction to Project Management, and more.


Pryor Learning

With training offered both online and in person, this organization provides learning on topics ranging from Microsoft Excel Basics to Developing Emotional Intelligence, Overcoming Negativity, Using Gender Inclusive Language, and more.


LinkedIn Learning

This website offers a variety of online training classes on topics from managing people, effective listening, time management for working from home, and more. Some courses are free while others do charge a fee (typically a monthly fee to access content, but some do offer a fee per course.

Balance, health, and wellness - feeling well both mentally and physically is important for work and home.


How to Promote Employee Self Care in the Workplace

This blog shares the benefits of self-care and how organizations can do more to encourage it. From WebMD


ZOE: Science and Nutrition

These (approximately) hour long videos discuss topics related to health and nutrition (from lowering cholesterol to the benefits of herbs, inflammation in the body, nutrition for menopause, and more).


The ’Pause Life: Demystifying Menopause

Dr. Mary Clare Haver is a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist and a certified menopause practitioner. This website offers health, dietary, and nutrition information to support menopausal needs. (Products and services are for sale - the university does not endorse them, rather we provide this information for people to research and make informed decisions about what they need).


Strength Training: Get Stronger, Leaner, Healthier

Strength training is part of overall fitness and just two or three 20-minute sessions a week can make a positive impact. This quick read provides an overview of what it is and why it’s important. From the Mayo Clinic


Workplace Strategies for Mental Health

Resources to support mental health awareness, leadership strategies, and work-life balance. Compliments of Canada Life


Be More Active During Your Work Day

A less-than-5-minute read with tips for incorporating movement into your work day. From the American Heart Association


Beginner’s Guide to Meal Prep

Learn more about the various ways to meal prep (batch cooking and freezing vs. make-ahead and/or individually portioned meals), read tips and tricks for making it happen. From Healthline


Mindful Minutes

Taking a mindful moment break can reduce stress, help regain focus, and offer a mini reset. From


Office Ergonomics

This how-to guide offers tips for ensuring an ergonomically sound work space. From the Mayo Clinic. More ergonomic-related resources from Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc

Whether seasoned or emerging leaders, supervisors with years of experience or those who aspire to take on supervision, Puget Sound recognizes that important role those in leadership and supervisory roles play.


The Recipe for Effective Leadership has Changed, and Humility is a Key Ingredient

This article discusses the importance of humility in leadership, especially as a contrast to more historical ideas of what leadership is (dominance, assertiveness, etc.) From Forbes


Dare to Lead Podcast

Brought to you by Brene Brown, this podcast offers conversations with innovative, creative leaders.


10 Roadblocks to Supervision (and How to Surpass Them)

This 75-minute pre-recorded webinar is offered by CUPA-HR (College and University Professional Association for Human Resources) and provides information about common challenges in supervision along with tips for moving past them.


The Leadership Skills Managers in the Middle Need to Advance

This article discusses 6 key skills that middle managers need to overcome challenges associated with leading form the middle. From Center for Creative Leadership


Transitioning from Staff to Supervisor

Designed to support people who transition from peer to supervisor and/or are in a position of supervision for the first time. This resource offered by Pryor Learning does have a fee associated with it.


Why Great Leaders Take Humor Seriously

TED Talk from Stanford Graduate School of Business instructors about the power of humor.

Content Requests

Other topics you’d like to see covered on this page? Resources you’d like us to consider? Let us know by sending an email to