Dear Faculty and Staff Members,
We are writing to follow-up our June 4 correspondence regarding COVID-19 vaccination, and President Crawford’s message last week.
Action Requested: We seek your help to update our vaccination records by Wednesday, June 23. With this information, the university can estimate a faculty/staff vaccination rate that will guide our fall operating plans. This plan will be communicated to you by mid-July.
If you are fully vaccinated and have not yet uploaded your documentation, click here to do so: COVID Vaccination Response. You will need a photo or scanned copy of your vaccination card and will need to be logged into your Puget Sound Google account to complete the process. For assistance, contact the Service Desk in Technology Services at x8585 or, or Shassie Borunda in Human Resources at or x3369. You also can bring your card to Human Resources, where their staff can scan and add it to the database.
Vaccination is the most effective means to minimize individual and campus community COVID-19 risks. A high vaccination rate will enable us to most effectively operate and deliver on our mission. As of today, a total of 531 faculty and staff members (or 61%) had submitted vaccination proof, which is greatly appreciated. However, we need more vaccinated persons to submit their proof as soon as possible.
Remember that faculty and staff who submit proof of vaccination by June 23 will qualify for a multiple prizes drawing, including an overnight stay at Salish Lodge, $100 Logger Store gift basket, and a made-to-order breakfast or lunch from the Diner. We just moved the drawing date to June 30 to hopefully help celebrate potential state reopening.
Thank you for helping Puget Sound be a great and healthy place to work! Let us know if you have questions.
John M. Hickey ’83 | Executive Director of Community Engagement and Associate Vice President for Business Services