Isolation is a public health strategy that is used to stop or drastically slow the spread of an infectious or contagious disease. Individuals in isolation have tested positive for COVID-19 and must isolate. A typical isolation period lasts for six to 10 days after a positive test result. During this time, you should keep track of your symptoms, rest, and recuperate. Most people can recover at home without being hospitalized, however, if you are experiencing new or worsening symptoms, you need to contact a health care provider immediately for further instructions.

Strict adherence to isolation protocol will drastically reduce the spread of this virus, so we thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe!

Updated: Jan. 9, 2023

Expectations for Isolation

While in isolation, we expect students to adhere to the following guidelines. These guidelines are in place not only to protect students, but ensure the safety of other members of campus who may be entering the isolation building. Thank you for doing your part to protect the campus community.


  • Stay in your room as much as possible. 
  • Wear a mask at all times unless you are in your room. 
  • If you leave your room to use the restroom, go on a walk, pick up food, etc., avoid close contact with others by staying at least 6’ away. In the restroom, you should limit your unmasked time (showering, brushing teeth) to ten minutes or less. Avoid using the restroom during busy times.
  • If you order food from a delivery service, select the “no-contact delivery” option.
  • Limit your laundry room use while in isolation and disinfect any surfaces you come in contact with after use.

Please Do Not:

  • Meet up with or spend time with other people if/when you leave your room. Friends should not deliver items to you in person. They may leave things at the door of the building for you to retrieve once they have left.
  • Invite or allow others to visit you in isolation. There should be absolutely NO visitors to or in your room during this time.



Food options for students who are isolating: 
You may pick up to-go food from campus dining locations, or order pre-packaged food and heat-and-serve meals through SubGrub. A KN95 mask must be worn when entering dining areas to pick up food. You must keep your visits brief (less than 10 minutes) and return to your room to consume your meals.

  • Order hot food from the Deli, Grill, Cafés, and Cellar for pick up using the GET Mobile ordering app. You may walk-in and pick up food from the pick-up location, or have a friend pick it up and deliver it to you. Food from these locations will be ready shortly after you order it.
  • Order pre-packaged food and heat-and-serve meals from SubGrub and choose the “pick up” option using the GET Mobile ordering app. You must order between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. and food will be ready the next day between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. You can pick it up in Marshall Hall on top of the cubbies. 
  • If you are not feeling well enough to pick up food, please ask a friend to pick up your food for you. If you cannot find someone to pick up food for you, please contact

If you have questions about food delivery or pick up while isolating email


Who Needs To Move Into the Isolation Residence Hall?

Students who live in a room with a roommate: You are required to isolate in the isolation residence hall.  If you meet the requirements to end isolation on day six, you may return to in-person activities, but you will need to stay in the on-campus isolation space until the morning of day 11. Staying for the full 10 days in a separate room from your roommate will ensure that you will be able to follow CDC masking guidelines during days six through 10. 


What To Expect in the Isolation Residence Hall

You will be assigned your own room in the isolation residence hall where you will have access to a communal bathroom. The room will be empty aside from a set of sheets for the bed (in a bag, you must make the bed) and a trash can with trash bags, a microwave, and a mini fridge. Below you will find more details on what you can expect for your stay. 


What To Pack for the Isolation Residence Hall

Keep in mind that this move is similar to moving into an empty room for a while. Think about what you will need or want with you. Consider what makes you most comfortable and what will help you pass the time while in isolation.


Security and Safety


Mail and Package Delivery

Call the mailroom at 253.879.3315 and request for your mail to be picked up by Security Services and delivered to the isolation space. Mail and packages will be delivered once per day at approximately 3:30 p.m.


Health and Wellness

Monitoring Your Health

It is important to monitor your symptoms of COVID-19. Contact CWHS at 253.879.1555 (x1555) if your symptoms worsen. If you need assistance on weekends or after 5 p.m., call the MultiCare Consulting Nurse at 253.792.6411 (available 24/7). 



Fresh air and sunshine (if available!) are important for physical and mental health. We want to encourage you to spend time outside safely by following these requirements:


Mental and Social Health


Counseling, Health, and Wellness Services provides workshops, groups, and peer support groups to students. 

Check the Support Groups webpage for our Spring 2021 offerings, group descriptions, and who to contact to join.



TAO is a program CHWS utilizes for telehealth services. TAO provides students with 24/7 access to a variety of wellness-based learnings modules and workshops. All students have access to TAO at



For students searching for an on-campus counselor, contact CHWS at 253.879.1555, Monday-Friday between 8 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. If your call is not answered, please leave a message with your name and phone number.  Your call will be returned within one business day.  If you do not hear back within the allotted time it means that there has been a glitch somewhere and you should call back. The staff at CHWS genuinely want to support Puget Sound students and encourage them to be persistent in advocating for their health and wellness.

For students searching for an off-campus counselor, contact Student Assistance Coordinator Alonna Mitz, at and/or complete the Student Assistance Intake Form. To access the form online:


Keeping Your Space Clean in the Isolation Residence Hall

Our goal is to maintain a balance between the cleanliness of the isolation residence hall and staff health/safety. Every three days a building specialist will enter the isolation residence hall around 10 a.m. to collect trash/recycle, disinfect the laundry rooms, and clean the bathrooms. Please avoid being in the halls at this time, and promptly return to your room when you notice staff members present.

Trash and Recycle

When your trash or recycling needs to be taken out, tie the trash bag and leave it in the hallway. Facilities will pick it up at predetermined times that will be communicated to you. 


Laundry Room Use

Please try to limit your laundry room use while in isolation and disinfect any surfaces you come in contact with after use.



If you happen to be in the bathroom when a staff member arrives to clean, please ensure you’re wearing a mask and make your way back to your room as quickly as possible. Be careful to keep your distance from the staff member upon exiting.




How Do You Know It’s OK To Leave Isolation?

See Puget Sound’s isolation plans or our "I tested positive for COVID-19" webpage.


Checking Out of the Isolation Residence Hall


Important Contacts While in Isolation


How Can We Improve This Resource?

Please contact with any questions or feedback about this page. We are learning about COVID-19 at the same pace as the rest of the world and would appreciate students bringing to our attention ways in which we can improve this overwhelming experience for everyone.

  • Order hot food from the Deli, Grill, Cafés, and Cellar for pick up using the GET Mobile ordering app. You may walk-in and pick up food from the pick-up location, or have a friend pick it up and deliver it to you. Food from these locations will be ready shortly after you order it.
  • Order pre-packaged food and heat-and-serve meals from SubGrub and choose the “pick up” option using the GET Mobile ordering app. You must order between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. and food will be ready the next day between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. You can pick it up in Marshall Hall on top of the cubbies.
  • If you are not feeling well enough to pick up food, please ask a friend to pick up your food for you. If you cannot find someone to pick up food for you, please contact
    • Security will give you card access to the residence hall. The door of your room will be unlocked when you arrive and the room key will be on the desk.  
    • In the room will be an extra-long twin size bed, desk, chair, wardrobe, microwave, minifridge, and bookshelf. Remember that this is an empty residence hall room, so bring any bedding and pillows you’d want to make the space more comfortable. 
    • Unfortunately, there is no elevator, so plan accordingly when you pack.
    • Each room will have access to the campus Wi-Fi, but you can bring an ethernet cord for a stronger connection.
    • The minifridge and microwave are available for any heat-and-eat meals or drinks you’d like to bring with you.
    • Comfort items (favorite pillow, sweatshirt, or blanket)
    • Pillows and bedding (sheets will be provided)
    • Toiletries, towels, shower caddy, menstruation products, etc. 
    • Medications (prescription and over-the-counter medication) 
    • Enough clothes for seven to 10 days
    • Masks 
    • Reusable water bottle and mug
    • Snacks and drinks (instant coffee, tea, etc)
    • Electronics, chargers, headphones, portable speaker, etc.
    • Schoolwork, books, etc.
    • Any entertainment items: art supplies, musical instruments, games, yoga mat, etc.
    • Call 253.879.3311 (x3311) for emergency response on campus. 
    • Notify the operator that you are someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Follow directions of the operator. 
    • In the case of an emergency in an on campus building, you must call Security Services. The campus buildings do not have addresses, so if you call 911, they will have to call Security Services to locate you.
    • If the building fire alarm activates, evacuate to the designated gathering area. Follow social distancing guidelines and wear your mask.
    • Contact Security Services during business hours if you have a vehicle on campus and you need to park near your temporary residence.
    • If you have severe symptoms and you need emergency medical assistance call Security Services at 253.879.3311.
    • Security Services will help direct first responders to your location on campus.  Notify the operator that you are in quarantine.
    • Be aware of warning signs for severe complications of COVID-19. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, seek emergency medical care immediately (This list does not include all possible symptoms. Please call your medical provider or CHWS if you are experiencing any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.):
      • Trouble breathing
      • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
      • New confusion
      • Inability to wake up or stay awake
      • Bluish-colored lips or face 
      • Pulse oximeter reading below 90%
    • You should keep track of your symptoms daily using a symptom log so you can see how you are progressing. This log does not have to be extensive, just short notes with the date, symptoms, and the time.
    • Requirements for going outside:
      • Review the section "Keeping Your Space Clean" before exiting your room to ensure that staff are not present in the building.
      • Enter and exit the building through designated exits only. 
      • Wear a mask at all times.
      • Do not spend time with other people after you leave the building.
      • Do not enter other buildings on campus.
    • Workshops, which are available to students residing in WA and outside of WA, can be  joined at any time.
    • Groups are available to students residing in WA only. It is typically recommended that you join these groups near the beginning of the semester and attend consistently. However, sometimes it is possible to join a group midsemester, so we encourage you to reach out to a CHWS counselor by scheduling an R&R appointment, or talking to your counselor if you are being seen in CHWS, to learn more about the groups.
    • Peer Support Group is available to students residing in WA and outside of WA. The current group is All Addictions Anonymous (AAA) on Fridays from 12:15-1 p.m.
    • Log into the CHWS Communication Portal.
    • Create a new Secure Message.
    • Select Student Assistance Intake Form.
    • Complete form and submit.
    1. A CHWS staff member will contact you 24–48 hours before the end of your isolation period. If you have not heard from a CHWS staff member, and you believe your isolation will be ending soon, please contact CHWS at 253.879.1555.
    2. After you have been cleared by CHWS, ResLife will contact you to help facilitate the move out process. 
    3. Pack up all your belongings and return to your residence.
    4. Leave the room key on the desk in your isolation space when you exit.
    • Counseling, Health and Wellness Services (CHWS): 253.879.1555 (call if you develop symptoms or with other health questions/concerns)
    • MultiCare Consulting Nurse (Available 24/7): 253.792.6411 (call after 5 p.m. and on weekends for medical advice)
    • Residential Life contact: 253.879.3317 (call with questions about the check-in or check-out process, issues with your room, or general questions)
    • Mailroom: 253.879.3315 (call for package or mail delivery services) 
    • Student Accessibility and Accommodations 253.879.3399,  if you need support communicating with your professors)
    • Emergency Response On Campus 253.879.3311 or Ext. 3311