
Meadow Poplawsky is an International Political Economy major and French minor from Moscow, Idaho. Meadow played with the Puget Sound Symphony Orchestra and Flute Studio, and was also a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Order of Omega, Alpha Phi sorority, the university’s Honors Program, and the Phi Beta Kappa national honor society. In the summer before her senior year, Meadow received a university research award to conduct research on transboundary water conflicts. Meadow participated in the Summer Fellowship Internship Program, interning with the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce as the Member Programs and Events Intern. During this internship, Meadow helped to plan events, manage budgets, and provide services to Chamber of Commerce members. Meadow studied abroad in Nantes, France, with the IES French Immersion Program. Meadow’s thesis, Financial Inclusion: Alleviating Poverty in a Neoliberal World, examines the benefits and costs of microfinance initiatives in India, and investigates the degree to which financial inclusion can serve as an effective development strategy.