TACOMA, Wash. – Brian Ernst ’13 and Rachel Borsini ’13 have been elected as the next president and vice president of the Associated Students of the University of Puget Sound (ASUPS). The campus student body chose Ernst and Borsini in a competitive election that inspired one of the highest voter turnouts in recent memory, with 1,163 votes being cast.

Brian Ernst is a junior from Lake Oswego, Ore. A politics and government major with a comparative politics focus, along with a music minor (voice-baritone), Ernst has been involved in numerous aspects of the Puget Sound community. He has spent time in both the judicial and legislative branches of ASUPS, working his way through Peer Board to Honor Court. He also was elected twice to serve as a member of the ASUPS Senate.

Ernst has worked at the Office of Admission as overnight host, tour guide, and coordinator of the Campus Visit Program. He has been performing around the community since freshmen year in both theater and music performances, including as a member of the Garden Level a cappella singing group and on stage with the School of Music Opera Theater production The Pirates of Penzance.

Rachel Borsini, also a junior, hails from the Seattle area, and is a double major in economics and Spanish. Having just returned from studying abroad in Granada, Spain, Borsini dove straight into campaign season with Ernst. Borsini’s involvement at Puget Sound has spanned a wide variety of activities. A member of the Repertory Dance Group since freshman year, with experience in Greek life as a member of Pi Beta Phi, in residence life as a resident assistant in Seward Hall, and in varsity athletics in her two years with the swim team,

Ernst and Borsini ran on a platform that included a commitment to increase ASUPS support of its clubs and organizations, to grow sustainability efforts on campus, and to pursue stronger student involvement in the Tacoma community. In addition, they aim to pursue more accessibility to facilities on campus for after-hours study. Ernst and Borsini will begin their 13-month term, once they are sworn in on Thursday, March 8.

The student body also elected Jess Yarbrough, Santiago Rodriguez, Sang-Won Kim, Sadie Boyers, and Casey Krolczyk to the ASUPS Senate, and formally passed revisions to the ASUPS constitution.

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