TACOMA, Wash. – Most nature lovers know that the more colorful a male fish, reptile, or bird, the more likely it is to attract a female and to have healthy offspring. Females, on the other hand, tend to be drably colored, perhaps to avoid predators while carrying, incubating, and caring for young.

Curiously, the female striped plateau lizard, which lives in the rocky slopes of Arizona’s southeastern mountains, is an exception to this rule in the animal world. Females are more colorful than males—displaying an orange patch on their throats during reproductive season— and the more colorful the female, the more robust are her offspring. New research published today in the British Ecological Society’s Journal of Animal Ecology has found one reason this may be so.

The colors commonly seen in birds and fish—the orange beak of zebra finches and the luminous colors of tropical fish—are often generated by carotenoids, pigmented nutrients that are obtained through diet. These same carotenoids are also valuable to eggs as they act as antioxidants in the yolks, along with vitamins A and E, protecting the cells and assisting in development of the embryo. So if a female uses her limited dietary intake of carotenoids for ornamentation, it could adversely affect her eggs and offspring.

According to lead author Stacey Weiss (pictured left), from University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, Wash., U.S.A.): “In the female striped plateau lizard the orange-colored patches they develop during the reproductive season are based on pterin pigments, not on carotenoids, so this trade-off between ornaments and eggs may be eliminated.”

In fact the research shows that the more color there is on a female lizard, the more yolk antioxidants there are in her eggs. Ornament color is also positively related to the yolk antioxidant concentration.

“Thus, in S. virgatus, female ornaments may advertise egg quality. In addition these data suggest that more-ornamented females may produce higher-quality offspring, in part because their eggs contain more antioxidants,” says Weiss.

Weiss, and collaborators Eileen Kennedy at University of Puget Sound, Rebecca Safran at University of Colorado at Boulder, and Kevin McGraw at Arizona State University, report that the coloration in the female striped plateau lizard probably serves as a sexual signal attractive to males. In evolutionary terms this suggests that more colorful females produce healthier eggs and attract more and/or higher-quality male mates, ultimately producing high-quality offspring.

The research is the first example of a positive relationship between female ornamentation and yolk antioxidants in reptiles. It contributes to an understanding of the evolution of female ornaments and what role they may play. Female ornaments are less common than male ornaments in the animal kingdom, but they do occur, often as a weak expression of the male’s typical color. There has been little empirical examination of this phenomenon until recently. Further research into pterins may explore whether these compounds—as with carotenoids—do extract some cost from the mother or egg.

The research was supported by start-up funds and grants from University of Puget Sound.

Stacey L. Weiss et al. (2011), “Pterin-based ornamental coloration predicts yolk antioxidant levels in female striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus)”, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01801.x is published in the Journal of Animal Ecology on 27 January 2011.

Notes for Editors

1.     For further information please contact Dr. Stacey Weiss, University of Puget Sound, Wash. U.S.A., tel: 00-1-253-879-2744, e-mail: sweiss@pugetsound.edu

2.     An abstract of the report is available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01801.x/abstract

3.     Copies of the paper and photographs are available from Shirley Skeel, University of Puget Sound. tel: 00-1-253-879-2611, mob: 00-1-510-684-6715, e-mail: sskeel@pugetsound.edu

4.     The striped plateau lizard is a small (up to 70mm or 2.75 inches) brown lizard, with two creamy yellow stripes on its back and two small blue patches on its throat. In Arizona it is found only in the Chiricahua and Peloncillo mountains in the far southeast of the state. Orange coloration develops on the throat of females during the mating season.

5.     The Journal of Animal Ecology is published by Wiley-Blackwell for the British Ecological Society. www.journalofanimalecology.org/view/0/index.html.

6.     The British Ecological Society is a learned society, a registered charity, and a company limited by guarantee. Established in 1913 by academics to promote and foster the study of ecology in its widest sense, the society has 4,000 members in the UK and abroad. Further information is available at www.britishecologicalsociety.org.

Press-quality photos of the striped plateau lizard are available on request or can be downloaded from: www.pugetsound.edu/pressphotos.xml

Photo top right: Female striped plateau lizard, by Jared Hobbs.

Tweet this: Colorful female makes a better mate. New Arizona lizard research by Stacey Weiss @univpugetsound, Sept. 17. http://bit.ly/hvzLFK

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