TACOMA, Wash. – University of Puget Sound has been presented with the 2010 Community Partnership Award by the Cross District Association of Tacoma (CDA) for its valued work in partnership with local small businesses and for the contributions of students, faculty, and staff to the local community.

The award was presented to John Hickey MBA’83, executive director of community engagement and associate vice president for business services, by Erling Kuester, president of the CDA (not pictured), at the association’s annual summer social on Thursday, Aug. 26. The event was attended by representatives from Tacoma’s 15 neighborhood business districts, Mayor Marilyn Strickland, City Manager Eric Anderson, city council members, and city of Tacoma Community and Economic Development staff.

“The CDA’s role in creating vibrant and inviting neighborhoods for the people of Tacoma and the businesses that serve them has been greatly assisted by University of Puget Sound, its people, and its administration,” said Erling Kuester, president of the CDA. “This award expresses the appreciation we feel for an institution that has been a good neighbor and a valuable source of expertise.”

Puget Sound was recognized for its mutually beneficial working relationships with nearby Proctor and Sixth Avenue districts, for hosting the CDA’s annual fundraising events, which are attended by city and business leaders, and for its support in providing facilities for CDA executive committee meetings. The CDA also recognized the valuable role of Puget Sound Community Engagement Manager Rachel Cardwell, who has been an active leader in CDA and currently serves as its treasurer.

Students from the campus regularly volunteer for events that the districts host each year: the Junior Daffodil Parade, a food drive in Proctor, and a neighborhood cleanup on 6th Ave. Puget Sound faculty and staff are also active locally. For example Business and Leadership Assistant Professor Lynnette Claire sits on the board of the Sixth Avenue Business District, and Catering Manager Phillip Wells and other Dining and Conference Services staff assist with the Proctor Arts Fest.

Puget Sound, the only national, independent liberal arts college in Western Washington, also received the award in 2007.

The CDA’s 15 districts represent Tacoma’s formal small business communities. The association members meet on a monthly basis to discuss common concerns, develop creative solutions, and advise city staff on policies and practices that impact the wellbeing of the districts. The Community and Economic Development Department of Tacoma employs staff to support the CDA and its districts, recognizing the key role that small business plays in economic and job growth.

The University of Puget Sound Office of Community Engagement works with the community to build strong partnerships with the diverse neighborhoods surrounding the campus and with local business and government colleagues. The office taps the university’s resources to create and support programs that enhance the quality of life of nearby residents, as well as those living throughout Tacoma and the Puget Sound region.

For more information on the Office of Community Engagement visit: https://www.pugetsound.edu/community/

For more information on the CDA, contact the board of directors, or Kala Dralle at kdralle@cityoftacoma.org or 253.573.2523. 

Photo (top right): John Hickey and Tacoma City Council member David Boe, with the CDA award. Photo be David Parker, Sixth Avenue Business District Association secretary

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