The Student Diversity and Social Justice Centers (SDC & SJC) support student success through programs and shared spaces that bring awareness to, honor, and uplift the wide range of students’ identities at Puget Sound. Though open to all who strive for equity and inclusion, the SDCs especially serve students who identify as historically underrepresented by way of ethnicity, race, gender, religion, documentation status, socioeconomic class, first generation (in higher education), and LGBTQ+ identities. The SDC encourages solidarity within shared identities; collaboration amongst diverse student groups; and recognizes the importance of communal spaces for historically marginalized/minoritized persons. The Centers also are a gathering space for all who hope to work toward a more equitable campus, city, and world.
Lending Library
The Lending Library moved on March 16th, 2023. It is now housed across the street at 3215 N. 13th Street, next to the Center for Student Support. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm. Stop by the Center for Student Support for assistance from staff, or email for inquiries. Books are available for check out for the academic semester.
Food Pantry
The On-Campus Food Pantry was also moved on March 16th, 2023. It is now located across the street at 3215 N. 13th Street, next to the Center for Student Support. Please enter through the front door, the pantry is located in the back room behind the lending library. It is open 8 a.m.- 6 p.m.