I will conduct myself in a way that promotes the health and safety of all students, faculty, and staff who come to our campus to teach, learn, work, reside, and thrive.

  • Recognizing that I am both a member of the university community and the community in which I live and/or work, I will maintain public health recommended behaviors when off campus.
  • I will complete any daily screening requirements required by Puget Sound prior to engaging in activities on campus and I will adhere to the directions and permissions provided through the screening process.
  • When on campus, I will follow Puget Sound’s requirements to use facial coverings (masks) in all public places. I have read and will follow the requirements of Puget Sound’s policies for being on campus in this COVID-19 environment:
  • I understand we no longer require masks in indoor public spaces on campus.
  • Though masks are no longer required in indoor spaces on campus, campus members may discuss and reach mutual agreement to wear masks in certain classes, studios, labs, and work areas. (Note that masks are still required in health care settings on campus.)
  • Members of our community who wish to continue wearing masks are encouraged to do so. Proper masking is an effective way to minimize the risk of transmission for those in our community who are vulnerable or live with people vulnerable to severe illness, and we will continue to provide KN95, N95, or surgical/medical masks to any campus member who wants them through the spring semester. 
  • I am aware that protocols may evolve as the science and understanding of COVID-19 evolves. I will monitor university communication regarding COVID-19 and respond appropriately.
  • I will follow Puget Sound’s COVID-19-related protocols, including reporting to a designated person (supervisor, department head or program director) or Counseling, Health and Wellness Services:
    • if I am exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19,
    • if I develop symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19, or
    • if I test positive for COVID-19.
  • If I am diagnosed with COVID-19, I will participate and cooperate fully with contact tracing efforts and directives by the Pierce County Health Department, my local health department or similar organization, and the university, as applicable.
  • During this time of great uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I will treat students, faculty, and staff with the respect every human being deserves.

I commit to taking these actions to reduce the disruption and impacts of COVID-19 wherever I am, and to actively contribute to a healthier future for the Puget Sound community.


Revised May 2022