Staff Scholarship

The University of Puget Sound Staff Senate awards the Rosa Beth Gibson Staff Scholarship to staff members, spouses, domestic partners, and dependent children to support an educational pursuit or program at any level, including graduate work. The applicant may be attending Puget Sound or another university, college or vocational school either full- or part-time, or pursuing a non-degree educational opportunity. 

The scholarship was established in honor of Rosa Beth Gibson, former associate vice president for human resources, upon her retirement in November 2011.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicant must be a current Puget Sound staff member, or a spouse, partner, or dependent of a current Puget Sound staff member
  • Applicant must be pursuing an educational program. Examples of eligible programs (not limited to):
    • 2- or 4-year degree program
    • Certificate program
    • Graduate program
    • Non-matriculant programs 
    • Auditing a class
  • Applicant must be seeking support for a covered expense of that educational opportunity. Examples of covered expenses (not limited to):
    • Books and materials, uniforms
    • Tuition and fees
    • Travel expenses

The selection committee’s determination of awards will be based on the following:

  • Prioritizing current staff members, particularly those obtaining first degrees
  • Funds available in the scholarship fund

The Rosa Beth Gibson Staff Scholarship opens annually in April, and applications are due by May 31, with decisions going out in June. Requests made outside of the annual application cycle are reviewed by the Service Committee on a case-by-case basis pending available funds.

A poster for the 2024 Staff Senate Plant Market with the date of March 27 from 10a-2pm in Wheelock
Spring 2024 Fundraiser

The Staff Senate Market featuring the Prop(agation) Shop was held March 27, 2024 in the Wheelock Student Center Piano Lounge and raised over $1,800 for the scholarship!

Staff Senate Market

Last year the first annual plant market was held and was a huge success. The sale was held in the Wheelock Piano Lounge on March 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and raised $1,461 for the Rosa Beth Gibson Book Scholarship!