Effective through Aug. 1, 2021

The health and safety of members of the university community is always Puget Sound’s top priority. In light of ongoing and evolving restrictions on international travel; requirements for international and certain domestic travel; the presence of the coronavirus locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally; and evolving vaccination rates, the University of Puget Sound is restricting travel as follows (subject to change as conditions change):

International Travel

  • All international travel on behalf of or otherwise supported by the University of Puget Sound continues to be prohibited until further notice. Given the uncertainty regarding the duration of this prohibition, any future international travel being planned now should be considered tentative. Any university expenditure toward future international travel, including that associated with study abroad programs, must be approved in advance by the provost, applicable vice president, or president (“Cabinet” member). Students planning to study abroad in 2021 should contact the Office of International Programs for specific program status and risk of cancellation.
  • All personal international travel is strongly discouraged. Campus members who are planning any international travel are expected to notify their supervisor in advance in order to promptly identify potential work impacts and necessary adjustments (including impacts and compensation issues during  quarantine periods), and to assure the university stays in compliance with current Washington State and other regulatory quarantine requirements.
  • The university expects campus members to follow U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 international travel guidance and to comply with any applicable Washington State quarantine requirements for higher education institutions prior to coming or returning to campus. Regardless, before entering the University of Puget Sound campus, all international travelers, whether campus members or visitors, must complete a 14-day self-quarantine period after international travel, monitor their health, and practice social distancing.


Domestic Travel

  • Domestic business or other travel on behalf of the University of Puget Sound will be limited and must be authorized in advance until further notice. At this time, only essential university travel, as determined and approved in advance by the applicable Cabinet member, can be authorized. A determination as to the essential or non-essential nature of specific travel will be made based on the facts, circumstances, and judgment of the approving Cabinet member, and will take into consideration the nature of the requested travel, mode of travel, destination (exposure trend for COVID-19), as well as current CDC and Department of Health (DOH) guidelines upon return. Persons who travel on behalf of the University of Puget Sound are expected to follow the guidance below.

Domestic out-of-state personal travel should be approached with caution. All decisions about out-of-state personal travel should be carefully considered and are ultimately determined by the individual.  Persons who choose to travel for personal reasons are expected to follow the guidance below.

Domestic travel guidance:

  • The university expects campus community members to follow State of Washington guidance, which currently advises compliance with U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) current COVID-19 domestic travel advisory guidance. In addition to general guidance that applies to all travelers, the CDC guidance regarding pre and post travel and testing and self-quarantining after travel is currently different for fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people. The CDC guidance is subject to change at any time and should be closely monitored by those planning to travel. In addition, travelers should consider any other federal, state, or local recommendations that could develop prior to or at the time of travel.
  • In addition to public health guidance discussed above, the university recommends that unvaccinated students, faculty and staff do not return to regular campus activities until after they receive one negative COVID-19 test and complete a seven-day self-quarantine period.
  • Faculty, staff and student staff who are planning domestic travel outside of Washington are expected to notify their supervisor or department head in advance of such travel in order to promptly identify potential work impacts and necessary adjustments (including impacts and compensation issues during quarantine periods), and in order to assure the university follows CDC guidance and State of Washington or other applicable regulatory guidance in place at the time of travel.

All international and domestic university community travelers coming to or returning to the University of Puget Sound must attest to their health before entering the Puget Sound campus.

Any campus member who travels is expected to take all appropriate precautions. 

This policy is subject to further revision as conditions, guidance and restrictions change.


Additional Resources


Issued: March 2020
Updated: July 2020, February 2021, April 2021, May 2021