The University of Puget Sound is proud to announce that it has received a $3 million commitment from Robert C. Pohlad, Rebecca Pohlad, and Chris R. Pohlad ’07 to establish the Pohlad Family Scholarship. This gift will create opportunities for students to pursue their education at Puget Sound and make lasting impacts in their communities.

Robert and Rebecca Pohlad ’P 07, along with their son Chris, have long been champions of education and community engagement. Their deep-rooted connection to Puget Sound, exemplified by Chris’ graduation in 2007 with a degree in Politics & Government, underscores their commitment to fostering excellence and access to higher education. 

“The Pohlad Family Scholarship makes a Puget Sound education more affordable and accessible for bright students who will become tomorrow's leaders,” said President Isiaah Crawford. "Recipients will embody the values of leadership, community service, and extracurricular involvement cherished by the Pohlads."

The scholarship will be awarded to students enrolled at Puget Sound, with preference given to those from Minnesota who demonstrate financial need.

“Reflecting on my time at Puget Sound, I am continually inspired by the transformative power of education and the vibrant community fostered on campus,” Chris Pohlad said. “Giving back through the Pohlad Family Scholarship allows us to support bright students from Minnesota, empowering them to pursue their passions and make a positive impact in the world.” 

The inaugural awards from the Pohlad Family Scholarship will be granted in the 2024-25 academic year, with continued support for five years or until funds are fully exhausted. 

"We are thrilled to support deserving students at Puget Sound through the establishment of the Pohlad Family Scholarship," said Robert Pohlad. “Education has the power to transform lives, and we are honored to contribute to the university's mission of providing a life-changing education to all students."

For more than 20 years, the Pohlad family has demonstrated their support to Puget Sound through service and philanthropy. Robert Pohlad, a former Chair of the Board of Trustees, and Chris Pohlad, a current trustee, have played instrumental roles in advancing the university's mission and fostering a vibrant campus community. Rebecca Pohlad has been involved in various philanthropic endeavors, including serving as a director for organizations such as the Minnesota Orchestral Association and the Hope Chest for Breast Cancer. The Pohlad Family Foundation, established in 1994, supports efforts that improve the lives of those most in need in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area under the direction of Robert, his two brothers, and third-generation family members. In 2009, the Pohlad Family Foundation funded $3.5 million for the construction of the Weyerhaeuser Center for Health Sciences which was completed in 2011. The Pohlad Family has supported a number of other initiatives including the university's partnership with the Posse Foundation and construction of the Susie L. Wilson Welcome Center. The University of Puget Sound looks forward to the continued partnership with the Pohlad family in empowering future generations of leaders and scholars.