We asked for your memories of your Puget Sound roommates. You responded with tales of tuna-sandwich pranks, annoying study habits, and lifelong friendships.

I was very, very lucky and had an awesome roommate, Chase Nordlund ’82, my first year and the following two years in Harrington Hall. Chase and I were from Southern California and had very similar tastes in music, film, comedy, and other things. One of my many enduring memories with Chase is our punk rock group, the Knapkinz, which made its simultaneous debut and breakup at Harrington’s talent show our freshman year and highly anticipated comeback the next year. Both were standing-room-only shows because the Harrington lounge was, you know, only so big. On the heels of our incendiary first song, “Please Don’t Squeeze,” we were bound for stardom well beyond Tacoma’s North End but couldn’t quite coax the right amount of anarchy out of our tennis rackets, ending up on the no-hit wonder scrap heap of what might have been. Alas, the Knapkinz did not endure, but my friendship with Chase did, and I am fond of recalling the mischief and fun times we had together at Puget Sound more than 40 years later. Hey Chase, let’s put the band back together! 
Tom Sarris ’83 
Larkspur, Calif.

Illustration of two guys in T-shirts and ties with sunglasses and tennis racquets as guitars. The stylized word KNAPKINZ appears behind them.