Potential Accommodations

What are some of the accommodations that may be provided through SAA?

Personal Needs Breaks – Student are allowed to leave class for a short period of time (3-5 minutes for example) and then return. Personal needs breaks may be approved for students who require time to manage mental health or medical symptoms, take medications, etc. Personal needs breaks should not create a class disruption, and students are still obligated to meet the essential requirements for class participation and class attendance.

Leaving Class Several Minutes Early or Arriving to Class Several Minutes Late - Examples include, but are not limited to, students who have ambulatory related disabilities, students who have low vision or are legally blind, and students who use mobility equipment such as walkers, canes, and wheelchairs. This accommodation may also be considered for some students during periods of inclement weather such as snow and ice issues.

Extended Time for Exams - Student are allowed to use additional, prescribed time to complete tests when disability related symptoms might interfere with the timely completion of examinations. Typical prescribed extensions are “time and a half” meaning if the test is scheduled to be completed in 60 minutes, the eligible student would be allowed an additional 30 minutes to complete the test. The student must arrange the test accommodation with the class instructor and the testing center.

Accommodations that Assist with Calming, Concentration, and Symptom Management – Students may be allowed to use sensory calming strategies and tools such as noise cancelling headphones, tactile fidgets and balls, and other tools or strategies to assist students during classes and test taking activities.

Food and/or Drink in Class – Students would be allowed to bring food and drink into classroom environments provided that to do so does not pose safety issues. This accommodation may be appropriate for students who need to manage their blood sugar for medical conditions, students with bothersome medication side effects such as dry mouth, or students with other medical conditions.

FM Systems – FM systems, or frequency modulation systems, are available for students who would benefit from audio amplification. The system includes a transmitter device that the instructor wears during the class and a receiver unit that the student wears. The transmitter captures sound with a microphone and the receiver is connected to earbuds or headphones so the student can better hear the professor.

Textbooks and Class Materials in an Accessible Format – In some instances, students may need to receive class materials in an alternative format. Alternative formats might include large print, electronic (e-text), closed captions for films and videos, etc.

Assistive Technology (AT) – AT provides tools and equipment for use in the classroom or SAA Testing Center to help students perform tasks and functions that might otherwise be problematic because of educational barriers posed by their disability. Learning how to use these tools allows students to develop greater independence. Equipment includes:

  • recorders (such as smart pens, digital recorders, computers)
  • smart pens
  • adjustable furniture, desks, and chairs
  • basic four function calculators
  • AT for deaf and hard of hearing (FM systems, captioning, etc.)
  • recognition and speech-to-text applications