Print-Access Disability Materials

Section (1) of RCW.28B.10.916 provides that:

"An individual, firm, partnership or corporation that publishes or manufactures instructional materials for students attending any public or private institution of higher education in the state of Washington shall provide to the public or private institution of higher education, for use by students attending the institution, any instructional material in an electronic format mutually agreed upon by the publisher or manufacturer and the public or private institution of higher education. Computer files or electronic versions of printed instructional materials shall be provided; video materials must be captioned or accompanied by transcriptions of spoken text; and audio materials must be accompanied by transcriptions. These supplemental materials shall be provided to the public or private institution of higher education at no additional cost and in a timely manner, upon receipt of a written request as provided in subsection (2) of this section."

Such alternative format instructional materials shall conform to the following designations, determinations, and procedures:

  1. Designation of materials deemed "required or essential to student success" "Required or Essential" shall refer to any and all materials designated in a course syllabus by a course instructor, and shall include those "optional" items purchased by the student with a qualified disability.
  2. Determination of the availability of technology for the conversion of materials pursuant to subsection (4) of RCW.28B.10.916 SAA will purchase and maintain technology, both hardware and software, to facilitate conversion of supplied text files to alternate format on an "as-needed" basis.
  3. Determination of the availability of technology for the conversion of mathematics and science materials pursuant to subsection (5)(c) of RCW.28B.10.916 SAA will purchase and maintain technology, both hardware and software, to facilitate conversion of supplied text files to alternate format on an "as-needed" basis.
  4. Procedures and standards relating to distribution of files and materials pursuant to RCW 28B.10.916 SAA will comply with the standards set forth in Sections (2) & (3) of RCW28B.10.916 regarding certification of student eligibility to receive alternate format instructional materials, and that these materials will be for the sole educational use of the student named in the written request; SAA will undertake to ensure that no unauthorized duplication or copies of provided material will be made by the student.
  5. Procedures for granting exceptions when it is determined that an individual, firm, partnership or corporation that publishes or manufactures instructional materials is not technically able to comply with the requirements of this section If an individual, firm, partnership or corporation that publishes or manufactures instructional materials conclusively demonstrates the technical inability to comply with the requirements of RCW 28b.10.916, SAA will, to the best of its ability, purchase the necessary material and process it to meet the needs of a qualified student with a print-access disability.
  6. Other matters as are deemed necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of RCW.28B.10.916