Exam Accommodations

Taking Exams in the SAA Testing Center

Students may opt to take proctored exams and quizzes in the SAA Testing Center. All tests for students with testing accommodations will be uploaded to your Faculty Accommodate account or sent back campus mail per faculty preference. The Accommodate portal can be accessed through the tiles at login.pugetsound.edu.

  • Students must have a disability and be registered with SAA (as indicated by the accommodation forms they bring to faculty for signature during the semester).
  • SAA only proctors exams that are being proctored for the rest of the class.
  • Students must reserve a spot in the SAA Testing Center at least 4 class days prior to their exam.
  • Exams must be uploaded to your Accommodate account 24 hours in advance of the exam time; Monday exams by 3 p.m. on the previous Friday. Download faculty Accommodate instructions (PDF).
  • Send corrections to an exam in progress to saa@pugetsound.edu. This email is monitored the entire time students are in the SAA Testing Center. Phone lines are not monitored by the SAA Testing Center.
  • How the student intends to use their testing accommodations will be discussed during the Implementation of Accommodations Meeting with Instructor.

Accommodations Pertaining to Tests and Exams

  • Basic calculator for math exams
  • Clarify common words during exam
  • Computer reads exam to student (Instructor must submit a Word document or PDF with selectable text of the exam to SAA)
  • Computer writes exam for student
  • Distraction reduced environment for exam (SAA Testing Center)
  • Student needs to type answers on computer
  • 100% extended time on tests to be taken in a distracted reduced area
  • 50% extended time on tests to be taken in a distracted reduced area
  • Private room for testing

No, SAA only proctors exams for registered SAA students.

That would depend how much time it would typically take to complete the exam and when it had to be submitted. If it is due within a few hours, then yes, but if it is due by the next class and it can be completed in a couple of hours, it should not be necessary.

Students who have exam accommodations are responsible for notifying you when they are taking an exam in SAA. The student should have discussed how and when to notify you when they met with you to discuss the implementation of their accommodations. Some students have disability related issues that affect their executive functioning. Usually, students either forgot to notify you or have decided not to use their accommodations for this exam.