Flexibility in Attendance & Due Dates

The FLEXAD accommodation

Students with the FLEXAD accommodation have a disability that may involve brief episodes of symptoms that interfere with meeting due dates and attending class. Flexibility on attendance and due dates is not an overarching accommodation, meaning that it is on occasion, as needed, and does not apply to every assignment or recording of attendance. 

The extent of flexibility given for a particular course depends on a number of factors:

  • course objectives
  • class activities
  • learning goals
  • class format (lecture, lab, or discussion)

Although the student is eligible to receive consideration of flexibility, instructors are asked to consider what constitutes a "reasonable" amount of flexibility. Please consider your course objectives, syllabus, class activities, and learning goals when determining the amount of flexibility allowed before the penalties outlined in the syllabus will be applied.

This accommodation requires that a student meet with their instructor to go over the amount of flexibility allowed in the course as well as the communication requirements regarding extension requests or notification of absence related to a disability. All students are must keep up with the course requirements such as peer review work, completion of essays and homework, group work, projects, labs, and class participation.

Please contact SAA if you would like to discuss this further. Email us at saa@pugetsound.edu or call us at 253.879.3399.