Smith Hall is a continuing student hall that gazes out onto the north quad where you will frequently find students studying, playing frisbee, and catching up with friends. Located next to Mclntyre, a popular academic building. Smith Hall is just a quick stroll away from Wheelock Student Center, and other campus venues. 
360 Degree view of a room in Smith Hall
360 view of a typical room in Smith Hall
Smith Hall in the North Quad
Fast Facts
  • Capacity: 75
  • Types of rooms: Singles, doubles 
  • Meal plan: Required
  • Who lives here: Transfer and returning students on co-educational floors 
A typical room in Smith Hall
Amenities Per Student
  • 1 extra-long twin-size bed
  • Desk with drawers
  • Chair
  • Wardrobe
  • Bookshelf
A speaker gives a presentation in the living room of Smith Hall.
Common Amenities
  • Bathrooms: 2 per floor 
  • Lounges: 1 unaffiliated on 1st floor; study rooms (2 on third floor) 
  • Computer lab (garden level)
  • Kitchenette: (1 unaffiliated on first floor) 
  • Indoor bicylce storage room (garden level)
  • Full free laundry (first floor) 
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Heat capable per room
Sample double floor plan

This is a sample floor plan for illustrative purposes only. Actual floor plans may vary across our residence halls. All residence hall rooms include an extra-long twin bed, desk with chair, and a closet/armoire for each resident. In some cases the armoires are built into the structure of the room, while in others, the closet/armoire may be movable.

cropped view of the interactive campus map

Use the interactive campus map to locate this building on campus.