Student Brenna Fisher ’16

At Puget Sound, I was exposed to fantastic literature, to writers who gave attention to the intersectionality of race, class, and gender, and commonly silenced voices. I became passionate about tackling issues of systemic racism and the silencing of LGBT issues. And I was surrounded by classmates and professors who understood and shared my passion.

Receiving the Alumni Fund Scholarship made me feel like the work I was doing at Puget Sound, the work I was passionate about, was valued. I was amazed that alumni wanted to invest in my education. That they saw me and said, "This is someone we want to learn here because she’s going to go on to do great things."

Today I’m working at a learning center as an early head start teacher. I work directly with children of low-income families who do not have the same opportunities and access to education as their peers. I hope to become a mentor and educator for an LGBT youth group, as well. I want to help other students find their voices and passions.

- Brenna Fisher ’16
Communication Studies
Renton, Washington

The Alumni Fund and Alumni Fund Scholarships

Without the support of thousands of alumni, an education at University of Puget Sound would not be possible for many talented students. Nearly two-thirds of Puget Sound students receive need-based financial aid, including Alumni Fund Scholarships. In 2015-16 Alumni Fund Scholarships totaled $181,000 in awards to 23 students, including Brenna.

Gifts to the Alumni Fund benefit every student on campus. Almost 5,000 alumni contributed to the Alumni Fund in 2015-16, in support of faculty-student research, academic programs, experiential learning and cocurricular opportunities, orientation programs, and campus maintenance, in addition to critical financial aid.