Subject Description

CONN 370 | Rome: Sketchbooks and Space Studies

Rome Sketchbooks and Space Studies synthesizes studio art practices and art historical methodologies to explore representations of landscape and the social and aesthetic implications of select public spaces, culminating in a three-week study abroad experience centered in Rome, Italy. Experiential sketchbook exercises complement weekly reading assignments and more sustained independent research assignments. Additionally, this course explores connections between American landscape painting and public sites and historically significant sites in Italy.

CONN 335 | Race and Multiculturalism in the American Context

The objective of this course is to cultivate an appreciation of the intersection of a sociological and historical approach to understanding the complexity and dynamics of race relations and multiculturalism in the American context. Using scholarly resources from these two distinct disciplinary traditions, the course provides students with a comparative and critical appreciation of the development of race relations in the United States.

CONN 325 | The Experience of Prejudice

This course uses the disciplinary lenses of psychology and literary studies to examine how the world looks and feels from the perspective of someone who is a member of an oppressed or negatively stereotyped group. The course provides an introduction to the assumptions, scientific methods, and forms of writing used by experimental social psychologists and to theories and research findings bearing on the experience of prejudice. Analysis of literary texts including poetry, fiction, and autobiography provide additional insights into the experience of prejudice.