Subject Description

MUS 393 | Introduction to Secondary Music Education

An introduction to foundations of music education with emphasis on junior high and high school band, choir, orchestra, and jazz programs. This course explores theories of learning as applied to music and of teaching as a career. Topics include development of skills in curriculum building, lesson planning, comprehensive musicianship, reflective teaching and inquiry in music education. Practicum teaching and observing within school music programs is included throughout the semester.

MUS 392 | Advanced Instrumental Conducting and Rehearsal Techniques

Advanced study of instrumental conducting techniques, emphasizing strategies for instrumental pedagogy, transposition, score reading, score study, analysis, and aural translation of the printed page. Class time is spent in lecture, discussion, demonstration, and skill refinement. Students conduct an ensemble consisting of class members during regular videotaped conducting labs, with formal and informal evaluation given by the instructor.

MUS 390 | Advanced Choral Conducting and Rehearsal Techniques

Advanced study of choral conducting techniques, emphasizing strategies for choral pedagogy, vocal warm-ups, advanced meters, and recitative. Class time is spent in lecture, discussion, demonstration, and skill refinement. Students conduct an ensemble consisting of class members during regular videotaped conducting labs, with formal and informal evaluation given by the instructor. Once a week, students conduct a lab ensemble consisting of music education majors, providing an opportunity for the exploration of choral repertoire and rehearsal techniques.