Subject Description

MUS 112 | Applied Music

For Applied Music students otherthan Performance majors. One half-hour lesson per week is required. The choice of materials is left to the discretion of the instructors in each applied music area. In the jury examination given at the end of the term, students are required to perform excerpts from the material studied. Registration forlessons is administered through the Music office.

MUS 111 | Applied Music

For Applied Music students otherthan Performance majors. One half-hour lesson per week is required. The choice of materials is left to the discretion of the instructors in each applied music area. In the jury examination given at the end of the term, students are required to perform excerpts from the material studied. Registration forlessons is administered through the Music office.

MUS 322 | Dance in World Cultures

In this course we will study traditions of dance from among world cultures. "Dance" in this course is considered broadly, and refers to performance, ritual, and daily-life practices of movement, with inextricable connections with music, sound, and theater. The course approaches contents from the disciplines anthropology, ethnomusicology, dance studies, and performance studies, and focuses on the study of movement and dance and their complex intersections with culture, daily life, and society.

MUS 222 | Music of the World's Peoples

An introductory survey of music traditions from among world cultures, approached from an ethnomusicological perspective. "Music" in this course is considered broadly, and refers to performance and ritual traditions and their complex intersections with culture, daily life, and society. The regional focuses of the traditions studied come from various parts of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe.


The School of Music at the University of Puget Sound is unique in offering a comprehensive music program within a nationally recognized liberal arts college. Its accomplished faculty is committed to guiding students toward outstanding achievements in performance, scholarship, and teaching.