Subject Description

MUS 301 | Form and Analysis

An exploration of musical language and form, with emphasis on the primary forms of the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic eras, and the melodic and harmonic language of music of the twentieth century. Topics include the Baroque dance suite, sonata form, rondo form, continuous and sectional variations, concerto, pitch-class set theory, and twelve-tone operations, with focus on detailed aural and written analysis.

MUS 293 | Beginning Choral Conducting and Rehearsal Techniques

An introduction to the basic elements of choral conducting, including: basic conducting technique, preparatory beats, patterns, cues, fermatas, and 4-part score reading. Class time is spent in lecture, discussion, demonstration, and skill refinement. Students conduct an ensemble consisting of class members during regular videotaped conducting labs, with formal and informal evaluation given by the instructor.

MUS 291 | Beginning Instrumental Conducting and Rehearsal Techniques

An introduction to the basic elements of instrumental conducting, including: basic conducting technique, preparatory beats, patterns, cues, fermatas, and 4-part score reading. Class time is spent in lecture, discussion, demonstration, and skill refinement. Students conduct an ensemble consisting of class members during regular videotaped conducting labs, with formal and informal evaluation given by the instructor.