In this section

Thank you for your participation in National Cyber Security Awareness Month in October 2021! The activities offered by Technology Services throughout the month have now concluded.

Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart

Self-Paced Learning in Canvas

Learn about information security essentials in a fun and interactive way! Campus members who engage through the quizzes all four weeks will be randomly selected to win a Yubikey or Logger Swag.

Enroll in the Course

Securely Dispose of Old Electronics

Technology Services will be offering an e-cycle opportunity for you to bring any unwanted personal electronics (e.g. laptops, phones, tablets, gaming consoles, printers, monitors) to the Tech Center in the lower level of Collins Memorial Library.

Security Awareness Themes

Week 1 - Lock Down Your Login

  • Lightning Tip #1 - Don’t make life easy for hackers! Use different passwords for different accounts.
  • Lightning Tip #2 - When it comes to passwords, longer is stronger. Instead of a single word, use a phrase that’s easy to remember.
  • Lightning Tip #3 - Passwords get stolen. Enable multi-factor authentication to protect your important accounts.

Week 2 - Fight the Phish

  • Lightning Tip #1 - Your boss does not need gift cards! Look out for messages where the email address does not match the display name and you are asked to complete an urgent task.
  • Lightning Tip #2 - Trust your instincts. If something feels off, it probably is. Messages that convey a sense of urgency or contain offers that are too good to be true are usually not legitimate.
  • Lightning Tip #3 - If you see a maroon caution banner on an email message, take the advice to use caution and take a closer look.
  • Lightning Tip #4 - Safety first! Carefully examine links and attachments in emails before you click.

Week 3 - Device Security

  • Lightning Tip #1 - Concerned about security vulnerabilities? Update your operating system and any software on your device.
  • Lightning Tip #2 - Concerned about theft? Don’t leave devices unattended and encrypt your device so your personal data will be irretrievable even if your device is stolen.
  • Lightning Tip #3 - Concerned about prying eyes? Lock your device when you walk away from it!

Week 4 - Data Security

  • Lightning Tip #1 - Think twice before clicking send. Do not share sensitive information over email as it is generally an insecure method of communication.
  • Lightning Tip #2 – Utilize university provided tools such as Google Drive when collaborating with data and always refrain from using any personally-owned accounts to conduct university business.
  • Lightning Tip #3 - Reduce your digital footprint. Check and double-check your privacy and ad settings on your social media accounts.