Apply Here


Leaves of absence may be granted to faculty for purposes of professional development. Normally the university undertakes no financial support for faculty in such cases, nor does it continue customary benefits. However, faculty may elect to continue most benefits at their own expense.

Please complete this section only if your unpaid leave of absence if related to professional development. Faculty requesting unpaid leaves related to illness, disability or injury, a family member’s illness, or the birth or adoption of a child, do not need to complete this sabbatical and leave application form, but instead should consult with Human Resources staff after reading guidelines regarding Family and Medical Leave.


These leaves are available to full-time, ongoing faculty members and artists-in-residence. A leave will normally be approved if it will enhance professional development and will improve the departmental academic program or will result in the completion of a terminal academic degree. The maximum duration for an unpaid leave is one year.


Application for unpaid leave is completed via an online form and shall include:

  1. A description of the project including anticipated outcomes. The summary of your proposal may be used in publicizing the awards. (500 words max).
  2. A description of how your proposed project will enhance your research and teaching. (500 words max).
  3. A Chair Support Form. Please ask your chair to submit their Support Form assessing the value of the proposed activity to you, the department, and the university.
  4. For research that involves the use of human participants or animals, please be aware that appropriate approval must be obtained before beginning research. Please consult IRB or IACUC approval processes information on the university’s website for details.

Upon receipt of the award, a copy of the award letter shall be forwarded to the Office of the Provost from which financial arrangements will be coordinated.


Applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm on September 10 of the year preceding that in which the leave is to be taken. If the application due date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the application is due by 11:59 pm the Monday immediately following the due date. Decisions will be communicated on or before December 8.


Upon completion of your leave, due no later than August 31 of the year the leave is taken, please submit a written report that summarizes the leave activities and assesses their long-term place in your professional development. The report should be submitted to the department chair to provide the chair an opportunity to view the report before forwarding it. The chair will forward the report to the Provost.