About Our Programs
The School of Occupational Therapy at the University of Puget Sound offers high quality educational opportunities at the doctoral level (entry level and post-professional level) of study. Our entry level program is a three year, doctoral level course of study for for individuals seeking to become an occupational therapist. Our post-professional level program is a one year, doctoral level course of study for practicing clinicians seeking to advance their skills and professional goals.
About the Profession
The profession of occupational therapy views humans as complex beings in a process of continuous adaptation, influenced by the environment, the roles and tasks an individual chooses, personal capabilities, and the individual capacity for intrinsic motivation. Purposeful activity, as utilized by the occupational therapist, enhances this adaptation process.
The Occupational Therapy program’s philosophy of education uses the above concepts to involve the student learner in an active process. Within a supportive and motivational context, it is through the diverse ways of reading, listening, thinking, discussing, modeling, exploring, and doing that humans learn. Through high quality educational experiences, Puget Sound students learn such abilities as precise, thorough, and insightful evaluation; realistic and collaborative goal setting; creative program planning; versatile problem solving; and tactful and effective communication. Essential educational components include a theoretical knowledge base, technical skills, professional and ethical standards, and the application of occupational therapy principles to practice.
For more information, visit the American Occupational Therapy Association’s website.