Interdisciplinary Humanities Emphasis

1500 N. Warner St. #1053
Tacoma, WA 98416-1053

Wyatt 139

Program Director

Gwynne Brown

Office Coordinator

Charlotte Nabors

Office Hours

8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Puget Sound offers many opportunities to experience the wider world beyond the university. For some students this entails service to local communities via campus organizations like the Race and Pedagogy Institute or the Freedom Education Project Puget Sound. Other students gain a global perspective by participating in one of the university’s many study abroad programs.

Spotlight on Wider World Experiences


Ayse presented her paper entitled “Digital Strategies and Access in the Art Museum” at the international conference The Art Museum in the Digital Age at the Belvedere Museum in Vienna in January 2019.


Peter graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy and minor in History. He spent the summer of 2016 undertaking an internship at the Institute of Ideas in London.


Corey graduated with a B.A. in Spanish Culture & Lit, with minors in French and German. He was first a student and later the program assistant for the Madrid Summer Program. He now lives and works in Madrid.


Katharine graduated with B.A.s in History and Art. She spent Spring 2016 studying abroad in Vienna, surrounded by eighteenth-century architecture and soaking up the cultural life of this vibrant city.