There are a variety of loan programs available to you and your family to help support your cost of education. Loans are a form of financial aid that must be repaid, with interest.

Your eligibility for federal loan programs will be determined once you have filed your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Puget Sound participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan program. Under this program the federal government serves as the lender. The interest rate varies depending on the loan type and (for most types of federal student loans) the first disbursement date of the loan.

Parents may apply for a Direct PLUS Loan for any year that their student is enrolled at least half-time as an undergraduate student. Under the Federal Direct Student Loan program, the federal government serves as the lender and the interest rate varies based on disbursement date but then is fixed for the life of the loan. 

Graduate students who have filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can be eligible to borrow up to the amount of their total cost of attendance.

To help you and your family navigate through the complex information provided by private lenders, Puget Sound has identified a list of lenders and has partnered with FASTChoice, an online loan comparison tool designed to help you select the lender best suited to your particular needs.

Track Your Student Loans

Puget Sound creates a student loan statement for all borrowers each time a financial aid package includes a new or revised student loan.

Students can access their student loan statement by logging into, selecting the Student Finances tile, Financial Aid Tile then Student Loan Statement (PDF).

If you have questions about what loans you have, repayment or about your loan servicer, visit the Federal Student Aid website.

Under Manage Loans, you can click on View My Account to log in. You will need your Federal Student Aid ID to login. If you can’t remember your FSA ID, click the link to Forgot My Username.

Federal Student Aid website