Institutional Research

1500 N. Warner St. #1014
Tacoma, WA 98416-1014

Jones 212


Institutional Research Mission

The Office of Institutional Research contextualizes university information, stewarding it as an asset, and using it to facilitate connections across campus, providing transparency and insights that enhance the student experience and the university.

Institutional Research Vision

We aspire to be an integral part of a Puget Sound culture where data and information are sought after, creates conversation and understanding, and is used to actuate positive change on campus and throughout higher education.

Institutional Research Values


We are committed to the accuracy, honesty, and reliability of the data we house and share, whether we are the owner of that data or not.


We believe that we work best when we work together, sharing data, information, and resources, within our office, across the campus, and throughout higher education.


We believe that our work is in constant flux, and we are committed to being nimble enough to embrace and respond to change, regardless of whether that change is internally generated or externally imposed.


We believe in transparency; that it is our duty to share findings, whether celebrations or challenges, and in integrating our knowledge in campus conversations.


We value a progressive approach to continually learn especially about the trends on campus and throughout higher education.


We value our relationships with campus constituencies and other offices, and work toward understanding their work, and our role in their work.

rev. 10/8/2021