ELIGIBILITY Criteria for Semester applicants:

1. To demonstrate academic achievement:

a. Students must meet all program-specific requirements (including minimum GPA, class standing, course pre-requisites, language pre-requisites, etc.). Please note: if a student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.5 the application will not be considered.

b. Students must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative gpa at the start of the program.

c. Students must earn a minimum 2.0 gpa the semester immediately before the start of the program.

d. Students with cumulative GPA lower than 3.0 must submit an additional application essay, to demonstrate that they have made significant progress towards achieving overall academic success.

e. Students applying to attend two different programs (one fall and one spring) must be aware that permission to study in two different programs during one academic year will be granted only in exceptional cases as justified by compelling academic goals. Students must submit an additional application essay that explains their reasons for applying to two programs, identify one preferred program, and identify how they will navigate the visa processes for both programs in a timely manner.

2. To demonstrate strong stability, responsibility, independence, and maturity:

a. Students must be in good conduct standing (not on a probationary conduct status) at the time of application and at the start of the program

b. Students must have appropriate class standing at the time of application:

i. Current first year students: may apply for Summer term (if earned at least 7 units during first year). Note: Current first year students may apply for Spring term in compelling and specific circumstances but will not be given priority
ii. Current second year students: may apply for Summer, Fall, and Spring terms
iii. Current third year students: may apply for Summer, Fall, and Spring terms
iv. Transfer students must complete one year in residence before studying abroad

c. Students must be on campus the semester when applying (spring) and the semester before studying abroad (fall or spring)

d. Students must submit a completed Puget Sound application by the deadline for an approved study abroad program. Completed applications include additional essays required if:

i. A student’s GPA is below 3.0
ii. A student is applying to more than one semester program in an academic year
Puget Sound does not permit students to apply for study abroad credit retroactively

f. Students must, once approved by Puget Sound to study abroad, complete the program-specific application by the deadline set by Puget Sound

Selection Criteria for Semester applicants:

1. Continued adherence to all eligibility criteria

2. Priority will be given to

a. Majors that require study abroad
b. Puget Sound sponsored programs (Oaxaca, Granada, Dijon)
c. Language immersion programs

3. Priority will be given to current third year students (at the time of application) who have not previously studied abroad, then current second year students, then current first year students.

4. Priority will be given to students who provide, in their response to the application essay prompt, a strong and detailed academic rationale for their study abroad plan and provide strong evidence of possessing the appropriate maturity, stability, flexibility, independence, and openness to be successful abroad.

5. Priority will be given to students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Students with a cumulative GPA lower than 3.0 may be approved if they successfully demonstrate, in an additional application essay, that they have made significant progress towards achieving overall academic excellence.

6. Students may be limited to a single program (semester or year). Students may only be approved for two different programs in a single academic year if they successfully convey, in an additional essay, compelling academic goals that can only be met by participating in two different programs and they provide evidence that they can complete the visa processes for both programs in a timely manner.

Last updated August 2024