Explore video and photos from our 2017 LIASE Southeast Asia Symposium, including our keynote presentation, student research panels, "Loggers Keep Learning" LIASE faculty presentations, LGBT Issues Forum, and performances from our opening banquet and culture faire by Chaopraya Ensemble, PongLaang RuamJai, and The Wayside.

Keynote Speaker: Abidin Kusno, York University

Student Research Presentations (Panel 1): Lizz Marks '18, Jackie Dierdorff '19, Abby Jackson '18, Maxx Cohn '20, Ali O'Daffer '19

Student Research Presentations (Panel 2): Austin Colburn '18, Margo Gislain '18, Jessica Dyck '18, Margot Brose '18, Nicholas Navin '19

Nick Kontogeorgopoulos: "Living Here Like a Local": The Pursuit of Home and Away Among Short-Term Volunteers in Thailand"

Peter Wimberger: "Experiencing Different Conservation Models in Malaysian Borneo, a Biodiversity Hotspot"

LGBT Issues Presentation: Ali O'Daffer '19 and Maxx Cohn '20

Musical performances during the banquet
