Todd/Phibbs Hall or "T/P" as it is affectionately called on campus, overlooks both the beautiful Todd Field and south quad. T/P is centrally located and is just a stroll away from the Field House, the Wheelock Student Center, and Todd Field.
360 Degree view of a room in Todd/Phibbs Hall
A 360 view of a typical room in Todd/Phibbs Hall
Todd/Phibbs Residence Hall
Fast Facts
  • Elevator, all floors are wheelchair accessible 
  • Capacity: 200
  • Types of rooms: Doubles 
  • Meal plan: Required 
  • Who lives here: Primarily first-year students on co-educational floors
A typical room in Todd/Phibbs
Amenities Per Student
  • 1 extra-long twin-size bed
  • Desk with drawers
  • Chair
  • Wardrobe
  • Bookshelf
Students studying in Todd/Phibbs
Common Amenities
  • Bathrooms: 2 per floor
  • Lounges: furnished lounge (every floor), piano/TV lounge (first floor) 
  • Computer lab (garden level) 
  • Kitchenette (garden level)
  • Indoor bicycle storage room (first floor) 
  • Full free laundry (every floor)
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Heat capable per room

Business Leadership Program

Professor Alan Krause leads a Business & Leadership class.

First-year members of the Business and Leadership Program are paired as roommates to live together in Todd/Phibbs Hall. This element of the program is coupled with cohort-specific classes, weekly seminars, and service activities to foster a sense of community. Students can benefit from the academic and social support of their classmates as they transition into college life and a challenging course load.

The resident assistant assigned to this floor is a fellow BLP member. This student leader will be able to share advice with the incoming first-years from their personal experience, help them adjust to the expectations of the program, and integrate them into the network of students within the program.

Questions about the program itself can be directed to, and questions about the residential details can be directed to

Sample double floor plan

This is a sample floor plan for illustrative purposes only. Actual floor plans may vary across our residence halls. All residence hall rooms include an extra-long twin bed, desk with chair, and a closet/armoire for each resident. In some cases the armoires are built into the structure of the room, while in others, the closet/armoire may be movable.

cropped view of the interactive campus map

Use the interactive campus map to locate this building on campus.