Designed to provide music business students with on-the-job experience with participating businesses. The student works with a faculty advisor to develop an individualized learning plan that connects the internship site experience to study in the major. The learning plan includes required reading, writing assignments, and a culminating project or paper. Registration is through Career and Employment Services.
MUS 496 | Independent Study
Independent study is available to those students who wish to continue their learning in an area after completing the regularly offered courses in that area.
MUS 495 | Independent Study
Independent study is available to those students who wish to continue their learning in an area after completing the regularly offered courses in that area.
MUS 494 | Musicology Thesis
Guided thesis in musicology. Topic and scope to be arranged between the student and faculty thesis advisor.
MUS 493 | Special Topics in Historical Musicology
A selected musicological topic is studied in a seminar format. Emphasis is given to cultural and stylistic issues and to methods and techniques of musicological research, analysis, and writing. May be repeated for credit.
MUS 492 | Special Topics in Ethnomusicology
A selected ethnomusicological topic is studied in a seminar format. Emphasis is given to the relationships between performance practices and associated social contexts, as well as on the praxis and ethics of ethnographic research, analysis, and representation.
MUS 437 | Advanced Composition
In-depth analysis and application of advanced compositional techniques including pitch-class set theory, serialism, indeterminacy, and extended vocal and instrumental techniques.
MUS 422 | Recital
Preparation for a formal public recital usually presented by a junior or senior performance major. May be repeated.
MUS 395 | Popular Music Pedagogies: Modern Band in the Classroom
This comprehensive instructional course provides participants with research-based methods to implement a popular music ensemble that incorporates performance, composition, improvisation, informal learning, and Music as a Second Language. Those interested in the teaching and learning of popular music are given the tools to inform their own their own craft of teaching, composing, songwriting, or performance through Modern Band instruments including guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, vocals, and technology.
MUS 394 | Introduction to Elementary Music Education
A study and practice of general music curriculum and instruction in elementary and middle schools. Students develop teaching goals, strategies, and lessons for singing, playing instruments, listening, composing, improvising, music reading, analyzing, and creative movement. Practicum teaching and observing within elementary school music programs is included throughout the semester.
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