Academic Advising
- Academic Improvement Plan (PDF)
- Declare/Change Major, Minor, and Advisor (Google Form)
- Leave Of Absence Form (Google Form)
- Scheduling Worksheet (PDF)
Office of the Registrar
- Academic Integrity Incident Report (PDF)
- Change of Personal Information (PDF)
- Class Conflict Petition Form (PDF)
- Late Add Petition Form (PDF)
- General Petition Form (PDF)
- Independent Study Contract (PDF)
- Medical Withdrawal Petition Packet (PDF)
- Medical Withdrawal Reinstatement Packet (PDF)
- Non-matriculant Registration Form (PDF)(For Puget Sound alumni, staff/faculty, and students who have not been admitted to the university, or are taking courses prior an admitted term)
- Transfer Credit Evaluation (PDF) (For students who are currently taking courses at Puget Sound and plan to study at another U.S. educational institution. Please submit using your Puget Sound e-mail account.)
- Unofficial Transcript Request Form (PDF) (Current students can use the mypugetsound portal. Official transcripts will be ordered through Parchment)
Grading Forms
- Incomplete Grade Contract (PDF) (Use this form to assign an Incomplete grade after receiving a request from the student.)
For faculty, to find other grading forms, go to "Registrar Grading Forms" which appears under the ’Teaching Resources’ section in your myPugetSound account.