Note: All grant activity must be coordinated through the Office of University Relations.
Please contact Betty Popenuck, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, via email or at 253.879.2925 for questions about:
- The grants process
- Applying for private grant funds from corporations and foundations
- Contacting corporations and foundations for funding
- Reviewing grant proposals or grant reporting
Please contact Laura Schultz, Director of Sponsored Research, via email or at 253.879.3610 for questions about:
- The government grants process, including federal, state, county, city, or tribal opportunities
- Identifying government grant opportunities
- Preparing and managing the government proposal process
Please contact Barbara Gorzinski, grants manager, at 253.879.8619 for questions about:
- Budget calculations (salary, fringe benefits, and indirect)
- Grant budget approval
- Federal grant awards
Please contact Amy Spivey, academic dean, at 253.879.3207 for questions about:
- Grants for research and academic programs
- Faculty release time