Reporting & Stewardship

Note: All grant activity must be coordinated through the Office of University Relations. Please contact Betty Popenuck at 253.879.2925 with questions about the grants process.

Guidelines for preparing a grant report
Grant reports are typically prepared annually, one year from the time that funds are awarded. On occasion, a funder will request that you complete a grant report every six months. Please refer to the grant agreement or grant letter for report due dates. Please note, it is important that you submit your grant report on time.

The grant report provides the funding source with a summary of the project’s activities, successes, challenges, next steps, and a year-end accounting of expenditures. Some grant funders will send specific reporting forms to be used for grant reports. Others will expect you to submit a letter report.

The report narrative should include the following:

  • A brief statement of project’s scope of work, goals and objectives for the past year,
  • Any changes in the stated objectives and/or budget,
  • A summary of the project’s activities,
  • A discussion of the project’s successes and challenges by highlighting accomplishments, problems, solutions, and anecdotes, and
  • The project’s next steps.

The report should also include an accounting of expenditures, the name of the principal investigator/project manager, the agency (university) name, the time period of the grant and the grant number, if applicable.

Please submit all reports for government grants to Barbara Gorzinski, grants manager, prior to sending it to the funding agency.

Please submit all reports for corporation and foundation grants to Betty Popenuck, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, Office of University Relations, prior to sending to the funding agency.