
Note: All grant activity must be coordinated through the Office of University Relations.

Before beginning any grant activity, please review the university’s policies and procedures for grant seeking.

Next, communicate your intentions about applying for a grant to your department chair or department head.

Then, complete and submit the grant notification form for review by the Office of University Relations, the Associate Academic Dean, and the Office of Finance.

It is the university’s policy that any grant activity that has not received prior review by the Office of University Relations, the Associate Academic Dean, and the Office of Finance will not be approved for submission to the funding agency. This will help ensure that the university does not submit competing grant requests to the same agency during the same funding cycle, and will create a streamlined process across the university, increasing your chances for grant funding success.

Once you have completed the grant application, please follow the steps for proposal review, approval, and signature before sending your proposal.

All grant proposals must be approved before being sent to funding agencies.


Please contact Betty Popenuck, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations via email or at 253.879.2925 with questions about the grants process. For questions about government grants, please contact Laura Schultz, Director of Sponsored Research, via email or at 253.879.3610.