The table below includes details about each or our amazing peer advisors ready to help our newest Loggers, including PA Coordinator, Branson Jones and two senior PAs, Iris and Sara.
We are excited to welcome all of our new students to Puget Sound and look forward to getting you connected to your PA to ensure you have all the support you need during your first year here!
Peer advisors are fellow students who have been where you are, and want to help you succeed! So don’t hesitate to reach out to them with any questions!
More about the PA Program | Why Meet My PA? | Help getting Registered | Apply to be a PA |
2024-2025 Academic Peer Advisor Team Details
The following table includes details about your peer advisor for the 24-25 academic year. Included is your PA’s scheduled hours when they are available to meet you and where you will find them. Of course, your PA is always a text, call or email away!
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class | Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Peer Advisor CoordinatorName: Branson Jones (he/him) (Senior) Majors: Computer Science, Economics Minor: Mathematics Email: bhjones@pugetsound.edu |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: N/A |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Thursday: 10:30-11:30am Howarth 114 E or F |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Transfer Student Peer Advisor (Fall)Name: Iris Manring (they/them) Senior Major: Psychology Minor: Studio Art Email: imanring@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Bell |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Monday: 12:00-1:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Tuesday: 12:00-1:00pm SUB |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Transfer Student Peer Advisor (Spring)Name: Sara Ponsioen (she/her) Junior Majors: Spanish, EPDM Email: sponsioen@pugetsound.edu Biography coming soon! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Bell
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: TBD TBD |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Charlotte Saxton (she/her) Junior Major: French Minor: Bioethics Email: csaxton@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Hutchinson Utrata
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Thursday: 2:00-3:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Friday: 1:00-2:00pm Oppenheimer Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Deantae Daley (he/him) Sophomore Major: Business Leadership Program Email: ddaley@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Brody O’Neil Simms |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Monday: 10:00-11:00am Howarth 114 E or F Tuesday: 4:00-5:00pm Diversions Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Dora Williams (she/her) Junior Major: Mathematics Minors: Education, CLJ Email: dfwilliams@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Brown Erzen Weinstein |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Monday: 9:10-10:00am Howarth 114 E or F Friday: 9:00-10:00am Oppenheimer Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Elizabeth Matsumoto (she/her) Senior Major: Business Leadership Program Minor: International Political Economy Email: ematsumoto@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Behling Li Liao |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Monday: 4:00-5:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Tuesday: 3:00-4:00pm Diversions Café
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Emma Smith (she/her) Senior Major: Theatre Arts Minors: International Political Economy, Asian Studies Email: ecatherinesmith@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Leuchtenberger Nunn Woods, Wind |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Wednesday: 9:00-10:00am Howarth 114 E or F Tuesday: 2:00-3:00pm Oppenheimer Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Erin Wilson (she/her) Senior Major: Exercise Science Minor: French Email: ewilson@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Erving Tollefson |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Monday: 1:00-2:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Friday: 2:00-3:00pm Diversions Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Gianna Friendy (she/her) Junior Major: Psychology Minor: Education Email: gfriendy@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: McCullen Stockdale |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Thursday: 1:00-2:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Monday: 10:00-11:00am Diversions Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Grace Farrell (she/her) Sophomore Major: Psychology Minor: Politics & Government Email: gfarrell@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Ferrari Valentine |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Wednesday: 1:00-2:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Friday: 10:00-11:00am Diversions Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Julia Meyers (she/her) Senior Major: Exercise Science Minor: Neuro Bioethics Email: jgmeyers@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Lago-Grana Mifflin Worland |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Thursday: 8:00-9:00am Howarth 114 E or F Tuesday: 12:30-1:30pm Oppenheimer Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Kylie Sullivan (she/her) Junior Major: Business Leadership Program Minors: Mathematics, Education Email: kmsullivan@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Matthews Milam
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Monday: 11:00am-12:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Wednesday: 11:00am-12:00pm Diversions Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Max Orr (they/them) Sophomore Majors: Art History, History Minor: French Email: morr@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Hirsch Tracy Hale
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Monday: 2:00-3:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Wednesday: 1:00-2:00pm Oppenheimer Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Nima Taherzadeh (he/him) Senior Major: Natural Science Minor: Education Email: ntaherzadeh@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Chambers Chiu Madlung
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Wednesday: 11:00am-12:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Friday: 2:00-3:00pm Diversions Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Sofia Colvin (she/her/they/them) Sophomore Major: Biology Email: scolvin@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Fisher Hannaford Imbrigotta
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Wednesday: 4:00-5:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Friday: 2:00-3:00pm Diversions Café |
PEER ADVISOR NaME; Pronouns Year Major/Minor Name: Valeria Jacobo-Guzman (she/her) Senior Major: Latina/o Studies, Economics Email: vjacoboguzman@pugetsound.edu Click here to read my biography! |
Faculty Advisors/ Advising class
Advisors: Gomez Lanctot Rajbhandari |
Sp24 OFFICE HOURS Time/Location/Link
Office Hours: Friday: 2:00-3:00pm Howarth 114 E or F Wednesday: 10:00-11:00am Diversions Café |