Out of the hundreds of available graduate schools, how does one select the few to apply to? The best resource you have available to answer this question is the Puget Sound faculty, all of whom have been to graduate school. Many of them have useful ties to graduate faculty in their disciplines from several institutions.

The number of schools you apply to will largely depend on the amount of time and money you’re able or willing to invest in the application process and the number of graduate schools offering what you want to study and practice. This number typically ranges from three to ten schools. Resources to help you narrow your search include Peterson’s, Gradschools.com, and PhDs.org, online resources offering the exploration of graduate schools alphabetically, geographically, and by academic area.

Here is a sample of some useful links:

These links to Law Schools, Health and Medical Programs, Education, and MBA programs may also be useful:





In comparing the programs you are considering, you may find US News and World Report Graduate School Rankings useful. However, we would caution that the criteria by which these sometimes controversial rankings are determined may not match your own set of selection criteria.