Make a difference now and in the future.
Gifts to Puget Sound’s endowment are invested in perpetuity to provide the resources that support the university’s mission today and in the future. Donors may choose to designate their gifts to meet the university’s most critical objectives.
Student Financial Aid
Financial aid provides access to Puget Sound for students who might not otherwise be able to afford the full cost of tuition, room, and board. Nearly two-thirds of Puget Sound students receive need-based financial aid. You can help these students achieve their goals and realize their dreams as we continue to attract outstanding student leaders from our own region, across the country, and around the world.
Experiential Learning
A Puget Sound education is not something students get--it’s something they do. Endowment funds support rich and creative experiential learning opportunities, from internships and summer research grants to library resources and study away programs.
Faculty Support
The heart of Puget Sound is an exceptional faculty of teacher-scholars, who continually invigorate the curriculum through sabbaticals devoted to research and scholarship that inform their teaching and create new avenues of study. Outside the classroom, faculty also mentor students in research projects, conference presentations, fellowships applications, and other opportunities that require additional resources and support.