The class sizes may be small, but the possibilities are endless. At Puget Sound, you can choose from more than 1,200 courses in 50 traditional and interdisciplinary areas of study. Explore our undergraduate majors and minors, emphases, and graduate programs here.

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African American Studies is interdisciplinary, with focal fields such as history, sociology, communication, political science, psychology, arts, economics, education, and the sciences with a social justice lens.

The Department of Art and Art History explores the wonder and complexity of visual art in theory and practice, offering programs in both studio art and art history.

Asian Studies involves multiple disciplines, including art, business, history, politics, economics, languages, literature, music, philosophy, religion, sociology, and anthropology.

In this program unique to Puget Sound, students analyze moral, cultural, and historical issues at the intersection of life sciences and humanities.

The biology program offers a breadth of courses in modern biology emphasizing the conceptual and technical progression of biological sciences.

The School of Business and Leadership provides students with a unique and innovative business education that prepares them for success as leaders in a complex and dynamic global environment.

The chemistry department offers foundational courses in the five core chemical subdisciplines—organic, physical, analytical, inorganic, and biochemistry—as well as a variety of electives.

Students majoring in communication studies examine the human, social, political, institutional, and mediated dimensions of human communication practices and processes.

Computer scientists design and study algorithms to solve difficult real-world problems, learn software engineering patterns to break down large projects, and study the design of programming languages.

The Crime, Law, and Justice program provides students with an introduction to how crime, policing, and prisons intersect with questions of justice, fairness, and structural inequality in the U.S.

Students spend their first 3-4 years at Puget Sound taking a course of study prerequisite to engineering. Qualified students may then transfer to one of our affiliated institutions.

The discipline of economics focuses on decision-making and problem-solving, concerning itself with making intelligent individual and social choices in a world of scarcity.

The education studies minor teaches students to question their own biases and social location, as well as the inequities that shape individuals, interpersonal interactions, and institutions.

The English department brings together the traditional values of the liberal arts education with some of the most exciting new developments in literary, cultural, and new media studies.

Environmental Studies & Sciences equips students to explore the complex and evolving issues through an approach combining natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

Through a curriculum introducing the scientific process and clear articulation of ideas, exercise science students investigate the importance of physical activity and nutrition to human life.

French & Francophone Studies offers distinct majors that combine the study of language, culture, and literature with international affairs, communications, music, theater, and art.

Gender & Queer Studies explores interdisciplinary ideas and theories across the university, from biology, psychology, and education to sociology, anthropology, and English.

In German studies, students explore the diverse and fascinating mentalities of German speakers with the goal of developing foreign-language competence, an appreciation of diversity, and cross-cultural awareness.

The Global Development Studies (GDS) Program offers an interdisciplinary minor that focuses on the transformations associated with development.

Offerings in Greek, Latin & Ancient Mediterranean Studies are designed to foster student understanding of ancient Mediterranean cultures, including in relation to other cultures both ancient and modern.

Hispanic Studies offers the study of the language as well as the literary and cultural production of Iberian, Latin American, and U.S. Hispanic cultures, from their origins to the present.

History explores a wide range of vital topics, including race, gender, politics, religion, technologies, ideologies, war, migration, class, culture, and the global exchange of goods and ideas.

The Coolidge Otis Chapman Honors Program is a vibrant intellectual community that builds relationships through collaborative learning, great conversations, and social activities.

The Interdisciplinary Humanities Emphasis allows students to explore topics of enduring importance and to customize their academic experiences while fulfilling requirements.

International Political Economy prepares students for an increasingly interdependent world through the study of global issues via courses in economics, political science, sociology, and anthropology.

Students in Latin American Studies gain an in-depth understanding of the region, past and present, through the application of different analytical tools and disciplinary perspectives.

LTS is interdisciplinary by nature, including research from history, law, literature, economics, education, sociology, linguistics, philosophy, and health and medicine.

We prepare teachers who create productive learning environments, critically reflect on their teaching and student learning, and interrogate their own biases and confront inequities in schools.

Our program focuses on developing skills that are relevant to a wide range of careers in social service and mental health agencies, as well as preparing graduates to become certified as school counselors.

The MPH is a professional degree that prepares students as practitioners who are responsive to contemporary challenges in public health at local, regional, national and global levels.

Mathematicians design the models that enable us to understand and improve the structure of transportation networks, computer networks and physical processes, making them more efficient, effective, and versatile.

The School of Music offers a comprehensive music program within a nationally recognized liberal arts college. We guide students toward outstanding achievements in performance, scholarship, and teaching.

The Natural Sciences major is designed to serve the needs of students who desire a broad background in the natural sciences.

This interdisciplinary program draws on faculty research at all levels, encompassing topics such as cellular circuits in invertebrates, locomotion analysis and cognitive measurements in humans, and bioethics.

Philosophy introduces historical and contemporary philosophical work, stressing breadth of outlook, rigorous argument, imagination, consistency, systematicity, and the dialectical interplay of minds.

The Physics program provides an environment of scientific inquiry and discovery, offering a curriculum of classical and modern physics that prepares students for careers as scientists and citizens.

Politics is about the struggle over power, authority, freedom, justice, security, and peace. We train students to understand these issues at the local, national, and international level.

Psychology is the study of human and non-human animal thought and behavior and is applied within a variety of professions including business, education, law, medicine, and clinical practice.

The Department of Religion, Spirituality, & Society explores questions of power, knowledge, and identity as they relate to religious traditions.

Occupational therapy students at Puget Sound become insightful evaluators and capable professionals with extensive hands-on client interaction and research experience.

Our students benefit from small classes and personal relationships with professors; extensive, hands-on clinical experiences; and a coordinated curriculum of written and oral communication.

Students in the program develop an understanding of broader culture influences the development of science and how science influences different societies and cultures.

This program allows students to rigorously analyze and understand our modern, complex society, including courses on education, health care, media, inequality, family, deviance, and urban phenomena.

This major allows exceptional students to complete a degree through a course of study that draws upon the curricula of two or more departments, schools, or programs.

In Theatre Arts, students acquire knowledge and skills that enable them to become collaborative, informed, imaginative, and engaged theatre makers.