Special care is taken each fiscal year-end to make sure that financial transactions are recorded in the proper fiscal year. To ensure that this happens, Office of Finance issues both “Fiscal Year Closing” and “Fiscal Year Opening” information that advises and reminds budget managers of special year-end and year-beginning procedures and time frames.

Please contact Office of Finance with any questions about fiscal year closing.

As a reminder, for all transactions less than $500:

(1) Please do not request reclassifications between expense accounts within the same annual operating budget.

(2) Please do not request reclassifications of P-Card charges within or between annual operating budgets or between accounts. We ask that P-Card approvers carefully review expense categorization prior to clicking "approve".

If you have questions or concerns on the P-Card review and approval process or an unusual circumstance related to these parameters, please reach out to us directly at x3224 or access our Procurement Card Resources page. We'd like to thank you in advance for your help in keeping the workload manageable for our office, so that we can better serve campus.