Welcome to our resource page. Here you will find various self-help documents, job aids, help videos and additional procurement information.

Procurement Training

Contact Procurement directly to schedule one-on-one training or a group training session. You may also contact us with any questions regarding creating requisitions or for approving requisitions and denying requisitions.

PeopleSoft Procurement Inquiry Tools

Which inquiry page do I use to match the amount shown on my invoice with the original requisition I placed?

What happened to my requisition?

How can I communicate to Procurement Services which requisitions can be closed?

I need to communicate to Procurement Services which purchase orders can be closed. How can I look up a list of open POs and find out whether payment was made?

Can I see all purchase orders for requisitions created for my budget—no matter who created them?

Why are there italicized notes on some of the pages?

Q: Which inquiry page do I use to match the amount shown on my invoice with the original requisition I placed?

A: Use the Requisition Inquiry page to search by vendor or specific requisition ID to find the original request. Match up by line-item description to determine if invoicing is correct.

Q: What happened to my requisition?

A: Use the Purchasing & Payables Inquiry page to search by requisition ID to see whether a purchase order has been processed; and if yes, whether an invoice has been entered and paid.

Q: How can I communicate to Procurement Services which requisitions can be closed?

A: Use the Requisition Inquiry page to search by Department or Project and click the Show Open Only checkbox. These will be the requisitions that have open pre-encumbrances. Work with Procurement Services to close the requests that are not expected to be received.

Q: I need to communicate to Procurement Services which purchase orders can be closed. How can I look up a list of open POs and find out whether payment was made?

A: Use the Purchase Order Inquiry page to search by Department or Project and click the Show Open Only checkbox. These will be the purchase orders that have open encumbrances because they have not yet been invoiced (which means they are not paid). Work with Procurement Services to close the orders that are not expected to be received.

Q: Can I see all purchase orders for requisitions created for my budget—no matter who created them?

A: Yes, the Procurement Tools are based on Budget Administration security rules. If you have been granted authority to view the budget information, you will have the ability to view all purchase orders and requisitions charged against that budget.

Q: Why are there italicized notes on some of the pages?

A: These Procurement Tools continue to evolve as we move forward! We want you to know about the enhancements planned for the next release. You can direct further questions to the email addresses listed in the messages.

PS Requester Resources


Submitting Requisitions in 9.2 Financials

Managing Favorites for Requisitions

Updating Comments/Attachments in the Requisition Line

Managing My Requisitions in 9.2 Financials

Chartfield Value Lookup

PS Approver Resources


Approving Requisitions

Denying Requisitions

Chartfield Value Lookup

Procurement Inquiry Tools Resources


Requisition Search-Paid

Requisition Search-Not Paid

Vendor Search

Open Requisitions Report

Open PO Report