Yes. Puget Sound uses single sign-on for accessing all student accounts and portals.
On the main page, click Need help signing in? then Forgot Password? and follow these instructions. If you need assistance, please call the Technology Service Desk at 253.879.8585 #2 or #3.
If you are living on-campus or working on-campus you will need to set up your computer to work with the network requirements.
SafeConnect is the tool that the network uses to identify all authorized computers and users to use the network. All devices requiring the SafeConnect key will be prompted to install the connect key. Once installed, SafeConnect will verify that the device passes network requirement before the device can connect to the main campus WiFi - PS-CampusAccess.
YES. Antivirus protection not only protects your computer but also prevents your computer from spreading viruses to other devices across the Puget Sound network.
Read all about Antivirus. You can decide which antivirus software you wish to have on your personal computer as long as it works with the campus network tool – SafeConnect.
Log in to your Puget Sound account via and click on the Google Mail tile. To set up your Puget Sound email on a smartphone, follow these instructions.
To print to student designated printers, you will need to ensure your computer meets network requirement, then download the appropriate printing software. More information on campus printing.
There are mini computer labs in all 10 residential buildings, two printers on the main level of Collins Library, one printer in Wheelock Student Center Piano Lounge, and one printer on the 4th floor of Weyerhaeuser that are accessible for students. Here is the list of other computer labs.
All students receive $225 print credits for the full academic year. Print credits will generally be made available the 3rd week of August. Learn more about student print credits.
No. Print credits are virtual credits given to students for printing – not real currency.
Unfortunately, there is no way to do print credit exchanges across student accounts. Have your friend contact Technology Services Student Support for other ways to provide printing support.
Yes. There is a Konica Minolta Print/Copier/Scanner machine located in the basement of the library directly across the Technology Service Desk. The other color printing options are available through Print & Copy Services.
NO, never share your password with anyone! Your password provides access to all of your personal finances, grades, and other important information that should not be shared with others. The Technology Services staff will NEVER ask you for your password in any form: email, remote support, or on the phone.
Contact Technology Services at 253.879.8585 #2 immediately and change your password. Don’t forget to update your password for all of your mobile devices such as your cell phone if you have setup the email app to receive Puget Sound email. Failure to update your devices with the new password can lock your account out preventing you from accessing any Puget Sound system. Also, clear the cache in all of your browsers.
If Technology Services is notified that your account was compromised, a staff member from the Service Desk will call you to let you know your account access has been disabled.
Yes! Chromebooks will be available in the event you will need a computer until your personal computer is repaired. Please visit to request a Chromebook loaner.
Students can request a variety of media equipment by visiting Explore media equipment available for checkout for current Puget Sound students, faculty, and staff.
No. Technology Services recommends that personal computers be repaired by external computer repair shops, or contact your computer’s manufacturer and use your warranty. In the meantime of getting your computer repaired, you can request a Chromebook for a temporary solution.
Contact the Student Support Service Desk at 253.879.8585 #3 or drop by the Tech Center located in the lower level of Collins Memorial Library.
Yes. The university provides students free access to a plethora of software via a virtual desktop environment known on campus as vDesk. Log into vDesk to see what software is offered.
Microsoft Office 365 application support is managed directly thru Microsoft. Students will need to contact Microsoft’s technical support line. Technology Services is unable to provide troubleshooting for Office 365 as the applications are stored on Microsoft’s application servers.
The limited support that is available by Puget Sound’s system administrator is password reset support. Your Office 365 password is not the same password used to access your Puget Sound accounts - unless you reset your Microsoft password to match your Puget Sound password which is not recommended. If you are unable to successfully resolve password related issues with your Office 365 account, email and a student support member will contact you with further assistance.
For all other Office 365 issues contact Microsoft Support.
The Office of the Registrar who will be able to provide you with course assistance on your myPugetSound portal. The office can be contacted by phone at 253.879.3217 or by email at
Email In the email, please make sure to provide the type of device such as Apple SmartTv, and the MAC address(es) of the device(s). You will need to keep the device turned on in order for the network to recognize your device’s MAC address so open access can be applied. Failure to provide accurate MAC address information will delay your device accessing the network.
Email and provide your cell phone number, campus building location, a time when you will be available for troubleshooting, and the orange Ethernet port number. If you can take a picture and submit it with your email this will be extremely helpful for escalating your support ticket along to the network team. Failure to provide accurate information will delay your issue from being resolved. You will receive a call back from the student support desk to confirm the issue with further instructions.
Email and provide your cell phone number, campus building location, a time when you will be available for network troubleshooting. Before contacting for support, make sure your computer has the Safe Connect key installed, antivirus running, and antivirus definition files are up-to-date, and no peer to peer file sharing program installed. If you are unsure of how to connect your computer to the network, click here. You will receive a call back from the student support desk to confirm the issue with further instructions.
Restarting your computer is critical care to keep your computer up-to-date. If you experience issues of web pages not loading, not able to hear audio, or see video when using video conference applications such as Zoom or Google Meet - restart your computer. Restarting also resolves sluggish computer performance, refreshes random access memory (RAM), repairs application errors, Internet connectivity, and most importantly updates your computer with critical updates. Next time you are experiencing issues with your computer not performing as normal - try restarting your computer! It is recommended to restart daily. However, you should plan to restart your computer at least four times a week to prevent abnormal computer performance.
Web browsers store downloaded content from webpages you visit in order to expedite access to sites by loading data from the cache instead of directly downloading it. Periodically clearing the browser’s cache and cookies can improve the browser’s performance. With web applications like myPugetSound, it is extremely useful to clear the cache when your access changes or there is a significant system update or refresh. This will allow myPugetSound to get the latest settings from the database. To clear the cache, please see these instructions.