Our brand is what we make true every day, with every encounter. It’s not just what we say. It’s what we do. Emerging from Puget Sound’s mission, values, and strategic plans, our brand comes to life in the experiences of our students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends.

We express our brand using messages and visuals that help people recognize and connect with us. When applied consistently, these tools help people understand who we are and what we do.

Download the Brand Book (PDF)


University of Puget Sound logo with trademark indicator


In an effort to protect the university’s logos and strengthen our brand equity, we are expanding our suite of registered marks and their assigned classifications with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Whenever our marks (the institutional logo, the Loggers seal and logo, Grizz, and our athletics logo) are used, they need to be represented with the appropriate designation, either TM or ®. All uses of our marks must be approved through Core81, our licensing platform system.

Please contact the Office of Marketing & Communications at communications@pugetsound.edu if you have questions or would like to start the process of approving a new vendor.