MarCom Request

Lytho is a creative operations platform that the Office of Marketing & Communications (MarCom) uses to receive project requests and gather critical feedback and approvals on projects as they near completion.

If you’re interested in getting assistance from our team, Lytho is the way to do it!

We’ve adopted Lytho to:

  • Simplify our project management
  • Keep all project-related content and communication in one place
  • Make our review process more efficient
  • Provide more transparency to campus partners

We hope you enjoy using it!

Log in to Lytho

To login to Lytho, you’ll visit our Lytho site, and click on “Login with SSO account.” If you’ve already logged in with Okta for the day, you’re in! Otherwise you’ll be redirected to the Puget Sound login page to enter your PS credentials. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see your dashboard, where you can check on the status of requests, complete reviews, and view reports on the status of your projects.

If you have any issues logging in, or want the Lytho tile to be added to your Okta screen for easy future access, please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Lytho login screen

Submit a request

To begin a new request, select the Requests icon from the left navigation menu. Click Add Request in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Lytho request screen

Enter a name for your request and select Create Request. Choose the form most applicable to your request:

  • Project Request Form: Any single request, from a photo shoot to a postcard.
  • Campaign Request: Any GROUP of requests around a single event or initiative, like an email header, invitation, and social media post for an event.
  • Quick Web Edit Form: Any quick change to a website. More significant web projects should be requested under the Project Request Form.

Once selected, the form will populate with the fields applicable to the project indicated. Complete the request form with as much pertinent information as you have and be sure to fill out any required fields. Upload any relevant content, such as a Word document with copy, photos to be used, or a pdf of a previous version. Click Submit Request to finalize your submission.

If you have a complex project and aren’t sure where to start, please submit a request! MarCom will follow up with an info gathering or kick off meeting if needed.

Once you have submitted your request, you will see the Request Details, where you can view the status of the request, modify the request, and collaborate with relevant team members.

If you have something else to add to the request, please use the Comments section within your request so information doesn’t get lost in emails. Additionally, if MarCom team members have questions about your project, we’ll use the Comments field and @ tag you, which will trigger an email to you. Click the Reply button in the email you receive to bring you back into the system and provide further information.

If the MarCom team needs more information (e.g. the date and location of an event for an invite), we may decline the request, which will return it to your Draft Requests section. Once you have that information, add it to the request, and submit it again.

Provide feedback and approvals

When a project is ready for your review, you’ll receive an email with the subject line “You’ve been invited to review the proof.” Click on the purple button in that email titled, “Start your Review.” You’ll be taken to the review interface within Lytho to provide feedback.

  • Key takeaways: Add individual comments for edits, and select a review status and Submit Review when you’re done.


Providing feedback

When reviewing an asset, provide feedback by marking up the assets using the intuitive annotation tools in the top toolbar. Create a separate annotation for each piece of feedback. Each annotation will automatically be numbered and associated with a comment. Click Add Comment to save your markup.

Provide actionable and clear feedback.

Vague feedback ❌

Actionable and specific feedback ✅

Vague feedback ❌

“Change photo”

“I don’t like this photo”

Actionable and specific feedback ✅

“Please use a photo from this year’s event”

“Switch this exterior photo to an interior photo”

Vague feedback ❌

“Use a different word here”

Actionable and specific feedback ✅

Remove “Eager” and replace with “Energetic”

To collaborate with a teammate regarding feedback (e.g. ask a clarifying question), use the @ symbol to tag them. Make sure that any conversations or questions are resolved so it’s easy for the MarCom team to understand the final edit to make. If you agree with a comment a teammate has made, “like” the comment to show your support.

Additional features

Click on the circle icon with your profile photo or silhouette next to the Submit Review button to see current reviewers for this document.

Lytho approval status  Lytho reviewers

To add others to the review, click the share icon in the top right corner.

Lytho adding a reviewer

Click the hamburger menu in the top left to download or print a current version of the proof.

Lytho proofing time  Lytho proof options

Use the page navigator in the top left to advance between pages or items within the proof. Alternatively, use the left and right arrows within the workspace to navigate between pages.

Submit your review

When you’ve finished providing feedback, submit your review to the MarCom team. Click the green “Submit your Review” button in the top right to choose a status:

  • 🟢 “Approved As Is” = This proof is perfect – please finalize!
  • 🟠 “Approved With Changes” = There are some small changes that need to be made, but I don’t need to see another version. Make these changes and finalize.
  • 🔴 “Change and Resubmit” = I’d like to see some substantive changes to this project – please show me a new version.

Select an individual status for each page, or apply the chosen status to all pages in a proof.

Lytho review status  Lytho submit review button


Once you’ve selected an approval status, click the green button to Submit Review. Now the project has been returned to MarCom, and we can carry it forward to the next step (printing, publishing, or sending over a digital file).


Thanks in advance for using the Lytho platform to submit project requests and feedback to the Office of Marketing & Communications! If you have any issues with or questions about Lytho, please contact Barbara Weist.