2019-22: Dexter Gordon, African American Studies and Communication Studies
2017–20: Priti Joshi, English, and Monica DeHart, Sociology and Anthropology
2016-19: Greta Austin, Religion, Spirituality, and Society
Valuing the Humanities
2015–16: Doug Sackman, History
"Defending Human Mobility: The Gendered Face of Poverty and Immigration Law Enforcement in North America" by Alicia Schmidt Camacho
2015–16: Doug Sackman, History
La Frontera: The U.S.-Mexico Border
"Remapping the Borders of Borderlands History: Contraband Smuggling and Trading Networks Alon Mexico's Gulf Coast" by Melisa Galvan
"Caged Birds: Immigration and the Rise of Mexican Incarceration in the United States" by Kelly Lytle Hernandez
Latino Americans: Prejudice and Pride film screening and panel discussion
"Unnatural Border: Race and Environment at the U.S.-Mexico Divide" by Mary Mendoza
"Borrando La Frontera/Erasing the Border" by Ana Teresa Fernzndez
2009–13: Geoff Proehl, Theater Arts
Faculty seminar: Engaging Creativity, Criticism, Collaboration, and Community Through the Works of Suzan-Lori Parks and Her Contemporaries
2009–13: C. Rosalind Bell, Artist-in-Residence
2008–12: Hans Ostrom, English and African American studies
Fall 2011: Guest scholar Steven Sumida, Professor of American Ethnic Studies, University of Washington
Fall 2011: Guest scholar Garrett Hongo, A Reading From "The Coral Road"
Faculty seminar: Teaching Difficult Texts
Hybrid, a musical overview of blues, r&b, and funk
A Musical Evening with Langston Hughes, featuring Awilda Verdejo
2005–08: David Lupher, classics
Faculty seminar: The Old World and the New: The Greco-Roman Presence in the Americas
2009: Edith Hall, guest lecture, Ancient Slavery and Modern Abolition
2006: Susan Ford Wiltshire, Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances, Greek Origins and the U.S. Constitution
2006: N. Gregson Davis, Shades of the Father, Transcultural Underworlds in Derek Walcott’s ‘Omeros’
Sabine MacCormick, guest lecture
2002–05: David Smith, history
Faculty seminar: Nationalism, History, Identity, and Culture
2004: Robert Skloot, The Theatre of the Holocaust
Visiting Scholar, George Behlmer, professor and director of undergraduate studies in modern Britain, social history of the family, history of medicine, colonialism in comparative perspective, University of Washington
1998–2002: Robert Garratt, English
Faculty seminar: Ancient and Moderns
2001: Tom Van Norwick, visiting professor of classics, Oberlin College