Sustainability Services
This department, within Facilities Services, functions to reduce waste on campus. A team of 15 student employees manage, track, and remove recyclables in all of the residence halls and academic buildings on campus. Sustainability Services also coordinates the disposal of electronic waste, universal waste (such as batteries and light bulbs), and donatable items. In addition, they help coordinate zero-waste events and other events that raise awareness about waste reduction.
Sustainability Services
Alexandra (Lexi) Brewer, sustainability director | 253.879.2779
Environmental Policy and Decision Making
Students can major in Environmental Policy and Decision Making (EPDM) as part of an interdisciplinary program designed to help students integrate their primary major of study with a secondary major that focuses on how individual and collective decisions impact the environment.
Rachel DeMotts, director
Sustainability Advisory Committee (SAC)
The SAC is a coalition of students, faculty, and staff committed to increasing the awareness and practice of sustainable behaviors on campus. The committee meets monthly during the academic year as a way to update those on the committee about what each department is working on, as well as to plan upcoming events. If you’re interested in attending a meeting, please contact SAC.
Learn more about the Sustainability Advisory Committee
Civic Engagement & Leadership
Civic Engagement & Leadership plays a role in helping keep our campus sustainable. They have programs throughout the school year to donate salvaged food and make available school supplies and dried foods to students in need. They also coordinates volunteer programs through various community partnerships such as Operation SAVE, which aims to reduce the amount of clothing and bedding in the landfill during move-out each year. If you’d like to volunteer with Operation SAVE, or learn more about what Civic Engagement & Leadership has to offer, please contact them.
Skylar Bihl, assistant director of civic engagement
Environmental Campus Outreach (ECO) Club
ECO Club functions to channel student voices regarding environmental concerns in both the Puget Sound community and our community at large. The club works to educate and raise awareness about sustainable behaviors and institutional initiatives on campus. If you’re interested in joining the club, please contact ECO.
ECO Club Facebook page
Garden Club
The University of Puget Sound garden is an on-campus, student-run garden that is open to everyone in the Puget Sound community. It is a space for people to come together to learn more about gardening, build a community, and eat fresh foods! Several classes also utilize the garden as a learning space. Garden Club meets during the school year to plant, maintain, and harvest the foods that are grown in the garden.
Garden Club Facebook page
ASUPS Director of Student Interests
The ASUPS Director of Student Interests responds to a variety of issues including requests for sustainability programming on campus. They are responsible for overseeing the Green Fund, a pool of money that can be used to fund a sustainability initiative.